Surprise, Surprise, Sombra is Meta

Sombra was played in nearly ever single Contenders game and is arguably more meta than Widowmaker and Hanzo currently, at least in pro play.

Also just want to add that the Mercy nerf was not on the contenders patch but she was still only picked on double sniper maps and all in all the support meta was literally the most diverse meta in the longest time and this was without all the changes to the supports

Wow Sombra is more viable in coordinated teams that can capitalize on her hacks and callouts. Who would’ve guessed it? It’s almost like she’s the way she’s played at the highest levels is no indication for how she plays in solo queue


Pro league is way different than the regular game. She’s pro meta material not regular game meta material.

Another example is Ana as well.


Do you guys spent all days watching pro games to learn the meta or something? This is about the 10th such thread here in about a day.


They experimented. They do this all the time with heroes in contenders.

In the finals, no one used her. Because they wanted to win. lol.


They just want to make sure Sombra stays weak and a troll pick in every tier, grandmasters being the most forgiving. :joy:

It’s really reaching for “evidence” (it’s not evidence at all) that she’s fine.


Recent youroverwatch video mentioned it. Usually see what they say regurgitated in some form here the day after their videos.

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To be completely honest I like where sombra is because it’s harder for tracer to be a pain in the butt now sombra being in the meta is good plus Widows got a new counter. It’s difficult already with dealing with tracer as widow but a flick and full auto does the trick with sombra not so much her spread isn’t as large as tracer and the fact now is now so many hanzo’s get hacked when shes in play too. This is just a quick question but how emp work isn’t emp supposed to cancel ults like tack visor and bastions tank mode???

No Symmetra, even in coordinated teams.
Hammond was played as well.
Symmetra needs love

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I leave this here real quick

Jayne coach of team canada and assisstant coach of the dallas fuel

Fitzyhere, top 500 Sombra main and streamer

Danteh, tier 1 pro of the OWL playing for francisco shock

Current stats on overbuff


Imagine if they made it easier for your team to know when to capitalize on hacks/emp?


Good idea. But the hacked voice line should be “hack complete. anyone want to help me take out this trash?” It’s way more sassy

Well, mind bumping that thread and put in your voice line ideas :slight_smile:


Danteh doesn’t play for fusion…

I’m an idiot. Yeah i meant francisco shock. Thanks for the reminder.

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I mean, the forums get spammed pretty hard with sombra complaint/buff threads. Makes sense for people to post about information showing sombra being very strong in pro play atm.

They aren’t even playing the same game as the other 40 million of us.

But they are considered the best of the most. Contenders are still very good players. If she is seeing a lot of play at a contenders level then that means she has an actual form of viability. That means New Sombra has potential, and nobody is really complaining about how op she is. This may be the first time sombra can be seen as balanced. I’d say we still need to give everyone and everything a months time and see where she stands then.

Nobody is complaining about how OP she is because most people consider her nerfed.

And now we’re seeing a positive point to New Sombra. She works in a team atmosphere. Which is the point of overwatch.