Supports that need buffs

Not a good argument. Pick rates and win ratings are never a good argument.

Still not good arguments.

okay forget win rates or pick rates- what facts can be provided that you’d hear then?


What are facts or statistics? Those are fake news. Not like they actually matter or do anything, right? They definitely don’t point out trends or value.

“They don’t tell the story of what’s going on in-game.”

Yeah, what’s going on in-game is they’re losing on average more than they’re winning, regardless of how they play or perform.


exactly like what do you want. we gave you facts and statistics. do you want my opinion next cuz it’s the same as the facts?!?

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Where do you think they fall short?

For example, Baptiste. Regen Burst now heals at 15 healing per second instead of 30 per second for 5 seconds. This is a fair reduction, and puts it inline with Inspire and Crossfade’s healing. So I don’t see any reason to improve this; although may be it could heal for a longer span of time for the old total of 150? That would require doubling the duration, and even the cooldown would have to be changed.

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Say it how it is. These support need some :heart:.

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that’s an awful idea , give us 60 primary heal per shot and his max hps outside of ult is 90 where as moira’s is 135 in an area on cooldown.

Moira only has a big pickrate because dive is back on the meta so people think she has to be played but she is crap so you loose with her more often than not , its kinda sad that the hero specifically design to survive/counter dive is less good at it than ana who is design to suffer from it :confused:

they really ruined moira for the sake of low eloes what they should never have done because bad people will always be bad and also for the sake of OWL what again they shouldnt do , not everyone is an OWL player who is gonna play with crazy teamwork and communication even in GM or top 500

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Wasn’t supposed to be a realistic or even a rational idea. And Baptiste’s HPS is much lower than that, you need to factor in accuracy.

she is “meta” because dive is being played a lot and moira is design to counter it so the fact that ana is still more meta than her by a lot when dive is suppose to counter her just shows either how OP ana is or how UP moira is

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I had my cursor right in front of the 3% so for a second there I thought i was actually 3%. I was relieved for like .2 seconds before I choked again realising that my eyes do not deceive me.

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I just said MAX HPS WHAt. why would I factor in accuracy for MAX HPS

Ana isn’t truly meta tho, at least the higher the skill of the lobby is. Usually the lower the elo, the easier it is to play Ana and the higher the elo the harder it is.

Moira still scales with difficulty, but not as much as Ana does against a dive meta. Hence why at the highest level of play Moira is better.

I’m not saying Ana is UP by any means but I’m saying her strength comes from enemy team errors.

ana OP Moira UP nerf nade buff piss

Stay hydrated xoxo :see_no_evil:

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stAY HYdrAtED I- Chile anyways so

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