The difference is that DPS for the most part get to pick their battles and tanks are tanks. So as a DPS, when you die, it’s generally something you could’ve avoided. Tanks not so much… But you have longer to live so it doesn’t feel quite as bad, especially with your damage mitigation.
This isn’t the case with support. A good chunk of your deaths, especially in rush or dive metas, are genuinely just out of your hands barring a swap.
Lol same for support if you stick with yiur team unlike alot of brigs and anas do ana is always to far back and brig thinks she can solo the world thats why they have slightly higher death rates atleast with brig
Yes and that main cause is not enough support heros dps is the msot popular for one main reason the same reason support is nkt llayed as much number of heros
As I mentioned, Sojourn is definitely still an issue. Personally don’t see Widow as big of an issue because I play a lot of Lucio, and spawn camping Widow is a hobby for most Lucio players.
But yes, can see how the support issues have begun to shift.
I do fine and i rarly die and if sojourn is a problem i usaly go bap to counter her one shot also sojourn i dont find as but a problem with ojt a poket with a poket shes a demon
What they can do is split the dps role in 2 and again make more support heros. Support is already the strongest role on the game so making them stronger will just make the game feel worse to play
No, im not. Im saying DPS choose their engagements.
Choosing to contest high. Choosing to go for a backline flank. Choosing to afk behind your tank and hold lmb(lol). These are where most DPS deaths come from.
If you lose and die, you still had choice. So it doesn’t feel as bad.
But as say a Zen, what choice do you have when a Winston + Tracer + Lucio come at you while your team trades for someone else?
Your choice always boils down to just swapping most of the time. It just feels a lot worse overall. It’s not because players are worse or anything, it’s just about target priority.