Supports have 0 individualism

I’m not sure about that.
I think you’ll climb slower as Mercy or Lucio, that’s for sure.
But your climb will be a steady one. With Zen and Ana, missing one crucial shot can lead to a lost game. So the climb as those 2 has more bumps and bruises.

I kinda wish they would’ve expanded on the support role more than just making every support healers. I liked how old Sym could give shields to teammates and had the TP which could be as valuable as Mercy’s rez if not taken care of.

I can think of plenty of situations where heals have carried a team through encounters they shouldn’t have.

Maybe it’s not so blatantly obvious, but if anyone actually knows what’s going on with a match you can see it happening probably far more often than you think.

Supports don’t need to have more non-healing power at all. If you do that, then take away the healing power.


I find Baptiste is pretty easy to climb with.
And of course Moira (played properly I mean, just very good at sustaining a team).

This is exactly what I had in mind. LoL is a great example how they realized being a heal/ward bot is super boring and degrading, hence nobody wanted to play support. They significantly reduced the healing output of supports and gave them damage. At the same time they introduced their own “role queue” and guess what, if you queue as “fill” support is not the most likely role you’ll get because people actually like supporting (above bronze at least). This could be the solution for being so specialized dependant in 2-2-2 here, reduce support healing by 20%, increase their damage by 20%, maybe let Ana headshot idk, something like that would help.

The problem with this is DPS and tank still heavily relies on healing and they would blame the supports even more for a loss, which could be compensated by a self-regen, lifesteal mechanism but honestly, that’s already another game.
Overwatch supports are as good as they are.

Except there have been metas, possibly including the current one, with 2-3 designated hard carries. It helps to have one player be significantly much more aggressive than the other, especially in 2/2/2.

Or course not and that’s because Tanks exist. Baguette doesn’t really beat Hog since a good Hog will shotgun her down very quickly even though they sometimes do when the Hog player doesn’t even know how to play the hero properly. I don’t think that there’s a Tank vs. Support scenario where the support just wins aside from Zarya vs. Moira so you need to enable your team to get rid of those. You can’t effectively 1v6 unlike DPS or Tank heroes can sometimes but if your team loses a 5v3 then there’s something really wrong about them or the ultimate economy overall which both means that you can’t win the game if they keep performing that way anyway

I mean, you can only help so much it course but you can definitely help mask the mistakes of the rest of your team and make them less detrimental. You can take a mediocre tank or mediocre dps and make them good by good support. That’s just the nature of support. You help your teammates perform better and stay alive longer.

You don’t have to be reduced to a pocket to be effective.

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Here is idea
Lets remove solo carry potential from this game alredy and force people to work as a team to do anything.

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You can carry on any role stop making excuses


Yeah, I mean LoL is a completely different game in how they designed damage and healing.

Overwatch kinda balanced itself into a corner with how strong and necessary they made healing.

In LoL it’s perfectly fine to not have any healing on any character. The extra damage, tankiness, CC, etc, you gain from sacrificing a healer is often worth it. In Overwatch it’s not. There are so many situations where the only way to win is simply to outheal the damage.

Those situations don’t really exist in LoL. You either die, avoid the damage, or you take the third route and win the fight with items to counteract that scenario.


Having a good or bad support can make all the difference. It may not feel as impactful as getting three kills but keeping three people alive is just as valuable. You cant give healers the possibility to also be a great DPS. There is a reason why all categorys have different strengths.

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Did I miss something because clearly zen can carry games.

ML7 has videos of him doing unranked to gm on Baptiste only.

Now he’s also an exceptionally good support and he gets very agreeable teams often because people figure out who he is. But he carries pretty hard on support outside of his proper SR.

If you aren’t a support player that can make a difference with their healing and damage, you’re not a good support player and deserve that rank, period.

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Stuns, sleeps, boops, anti-heal, temporary immortality …

I mean, the healing is important, but it is not generally a skill differentiator, while the utility skills are.

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In my opinion supporting a DPS that doesn’t play well is not going to make them aim or use skills better, healing a tank that doesn’t get space will not make they do it and progress, the only support character I find very fun to play is Zen and it’s because the character doesn’t feel “stuck” to your teammates.

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So if both supports stop healing. What happens then?

I remember FunnyAstro got from unranked to gm with lucio only, with a 96% winrate (24-1).

Here’s the problem with all that. If you save a potato who can’t aim, you haven’t actually accomplished anything. They’re just going to continue doing nothing, have no impact, and die again.

One of the biggest problems with Overwatch is that you are very reliant on your team. It takes 6 players to win a game but 1 to lose it. “Carrying” isn’t really a thing in Overwatch except for smurfs, which is why smurfing is so popular.

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