Support with a lock-on beam

Please just make a new support with a lock on beam. That’s all I ask.


A lock on beam that does what exactly

A beam that locks on and does damage? Not a crazy amount, just a primary attack that locks on.

Is your PC not that good? Because I remember seeing a Sym player upset about the 3.0 changes because he said he couldn’t aim well because his PC was older and didn’t get the FPS to aim.

(note: that shouldn’t be a reason for having a lock on)

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I play on ps4 and it’s extremely difficult to aim for me, that’s why I mostly play Mercy.

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I see. Well, that’s why there is at least 1 hero for everyone I suppose.

Just learn to aim. beams are lame.


i think another symmetra like beam on another hero would be good to deal with tracer and genji

either that or more stuns, you decide guys

so… old sym then?

Oh gawd, I can see the forum imploding on itself now with “skill arguments” :sweat:


I’d rather not, but thx for the suggestion!

Brig is too hard for you to aim with?


Who cares about skill anyways…its all a farse charade that people use to raise their egos

all the heroes are equally skilllfulland thats it :confused:


With her recent nerfs, my pointer finger starts to hurt after a while. Not enough damage.

They already had that it was called symmetra and she was terrible so they reworked her


So you cant aim, that’s what im getting from this.


Oh I agree with you 100% Magy. I find the “skill” argument to be the lowest hanging fruit, unimaginative, lackluster argument anyone can make about this game. But I watched as some “youtubers” made the skill argument and then, in their second hand nature, forum users regurgitated their arguments here. It would happen again sadly.

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It a reality though.

You need to balance heroes from bronze to GM and it is VERY VERY hard to balance heroes that take an insane amount of mechanical skill with those that need 0.

All heroes need some sort of power scaling based on some sort of mechanical skill and the game doesn’t have enough abilities for it to be skill rotation or management

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A rework that ruined my no aim, no brain, hindu goddess :cry:


Or buy a KbM peripheral.