No! Because support is still broken!!!
You started playing a month ago. You didn’t play in season 1. Unless you’re posting this with a newly spun up forum alt just to troll. That can’t be the case, right?
This is my alt account where I play basically only junkerqueen, sym, and mercy.
But considering you’ve already called my post a troll for no reason and zero evidence. You’re part of the support cult where god forbid someone speaks against them?
Post with you main, and I won’t assume you’re a troll. This isn’t hard.
No one tries to have honest conversations with throwaway forum alts
Well, we’ve already covered that I’m not a troll. So I think we can move on.
You’re posting a topic you know will be controversial from a throwaway alt account. There’s a name for that
Throwaway? I’ve made multiple posts on here.
Also I don’t care if it’s controversial. I simply stated my opinion and made a post about said topic.
You’re starting to sound more like the cult I’m talking about.
What about them is broken?
They heal less
Do less damage
Have longer cooldowns
Have less uptime on utility
I entirely agree with OP’s post. Support mains stay mad. Some “GM” support players deserve to go back to plat and I’m not exaggerating.
They have bloated kits, can duel just about any one other than straight up tanks (and even then sometimes they can), the healing is still insanely high, immorts are still broken, they still have some of the best ults in the game, anti is still broken, sleep is still too strong, the passive is busted.
Like do I need to make a list to you for each support as to why they are too strong??? I absolutely can.
“Bloated kits” when half the roster has bloated kits is kind of a silly nonargument
Also people were complaining that supports losing a 2nd tank had to “git good” with winning fights and now that they are people are complaining? I thought that’s what people wanted supports to do? Fight for themselves? Now that they are, suddenly it’s too much? Oh and if a support can 1v1 a tank, that’s just a huge skill diff
Healing is WAY lower than it was in OW1, on top of a loss of a tank and their mitigation. People really are forgetting the days of 70 aoe hp Baptiste and 80hp Moira huh?
Good thing immortality abilities only last 0.5th of a second, or are only up every 30 seconds huh?
Supports have ALWAYS had the best ults in the game? Maybe OW isn’t the game for you when it’s been this way since 2016 launch
Anti and Sleep are shadows of what they used to be and at this point have been in the game so long I’m surprised anyone even cares about them at this point when they last so little time
Also the passive? Really? A payload amount of healing if you’re not attacked for 2 seconds? I can tell you’ve never been that high of a rank just from that alone. Back before it was added sure, maybe in like plat or gold where the other support had tunnel vision, but other than that it’s pretty much pointless in any situation that it would matter. Except Brig, no support can actually use it in combat (Well okay Mercy during her ultimate, but ya know… An ultimate and all)
Actually DPS were broken in season 1. More specifically Genji, Tracer, SOMBRA MY GOD, Cassidy, Sojourn and a bunch of others.
The majority being flankers, which made supports A LOT weaker.
Half the roster does not have bloated kits on the level of support heroes lmfao.
They are winning fights because they are playing heroes that can go out duel people while also having self heal / immortality abilities.
And guess what. HEALING IS STILL TOO HIGH. You keep bringing up the past to justify garbage going on now. Cool healing may have been higher in OW1. Guess what, IT’S STILL TOO HIGH.
This is the most low elo take I have ever seen.
Yes, that’s still perfectly enough time to save someone from certain death no effort involved and at the push of a button, that’s still enough to get an enemy killed, that’s still enough to completely cancel out entire ULTIMATES.
Ok yea you’re just ignorant to the issues of the game I guess. Or you’re a part of that cult I’ve been talking about.
Anti and sleep are still too strong. They’ve BEEN too strong. The nerfs they’ve received evidently aren’t enough. “I’m surprised anyone even cares about them at this point” so you’re aware people still have a problem with these abilities and still want to play dumb and act like they are perfectly okay?
You literally admitted to being low elo!!!
What are you on about??? You’re the one not seeing the grand amount of problems supports bring to the game. I’m sorry you suck at the role (somehow) and can’t get value out of having a free self heal that removes the need to use your own abilities on yourself.
Guess where the support passive is strongest and most talked about… high elo.
This is a classic case of someone being a coddled support player and not realizing how dumb your role is.
Actually nevermind, I just saw your reply to a different post and you unironically believe lucio is on the same strength level as bap brig and kiriko. There is no helping you.
as a support main i thought this in season 1 of ow2. yea people were dying a bit more than the usual slow sustainwatch 222 role que, but im preeetttyy sure the average kiriko player is vastly better at surviving than they were in season 1 lol
plus, sojo perma having one shot without needing boost in high end ruined balance tbh
Some plat chat going on here my guy
High elo players complaining about the support passive? I have literally never seen anyone other than people who can’t hit the broad side of a barn complain about the passive. It’s such a non issue when ya know… You have a 2nd support that is good and can heal you too
Literally going from OW1 to OW2 and I have never once been like “Omg that healing passive saved me” when I am used to having another player be like “Oh my other support is hurt let me heal them up a bit”
The fact you think anyone past Diamond even notices it enough to be like “Oh my God, that support didn’t take damage for 2 seconds and now has 15 more hp is so broken” is CRAZY to me when the issue that ACTUALLY gets complained about is two supports pocketing eachother
Also Lucio is literally one of the most used supports in Top 500 right now? you can actually see that factually he’s getting as much representation as Bap, Brig, and Kiriko are across regions. Hell he’s being used in scrims more than them because of Rammatra/ Sojourn comps.
Oh! So you watched the video samito just uploaded right? Cause you used his exact words “supports had to actually play the game”
A lot of top500 players that aren’t even supports mains pointed that the role was miserable, but yes, anyone can have their own opinion but please create your own, don’t just repeat what samito says
Yup a samito fan
He always, always says this
Hanzo doesn’t have a passive cause he doesn’t reload; granted, let’s make that hanzo has to reload so he can have a passive
Not like he’s been a bad dps since his rework back in ow1
Like at most tracer needed a nerf, and sojourn def needed a nerf.
Genji only benefits when dive is meta, when dive isn’t meta… he’s just a nonfactor.
But ofc instead of doing that we’ll buff supports because sure.
Well then get into the community, idk what to tell you lmfao.
Supports are constantly complained about and constantly talked about how broken they are. Your ignorance to the situation is not my problem to solve.
because you are bad and you don’t realize.
Any healing you get will help you. Especially one that can make it so you don’t have to use your own abilities on yourself, which takes away from having to make decisions. Or the self heal that let’s you eat a couple more shots than you would’ve been able to, had you had not healed up a bit.
Yes! Lucio gets used when the meta DIRECTLY benefits from seeing him play with brawl. That has always been the case. He doesn’t extend in or out of that niche.
Brig, bap, kiriko can be used with literally anything and at all times.
I don’t watch samito. I’ve been saying this same thing since literal season 1 when I witnessed with my own eyes a bunch of support players moaning and crying that their role was “weak” when it wasn’t even remotely close to that. I’ve been saying for the longest support players suck. This has been my opinion for YEARS now.
I have never liked how that role has been designed or balance. And I have never liked most support players because they all suck and get coddled, and as soon as they aren’t. They play victim.
What does that have to do with Samito??? It’s a KNOWN fact hanzo doesn’t have a passive??? I used that to provide an example of lopsided value from broad passives… I did the exact same in saying that certain supports benefit from the passive more than others.
??? Please get a grip.
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
The community is a bunch of people who mirror the same talking point as streamers or content creators without a 2nd thought of their own
I really gave up on people thinking for themselves when Symmetra and Doomfist were the meta DPS picks into Double Barrier and people were complaining about them being the meta picks despite literally being the PERFECT DPS who’s entire designs were MADE for that situation, and got them nerfed because of some YouTubers complaining