Support: Teammates HP bar missing Round 2+ King of the Hill

I know this has been reported numerous times, but this is an issue Blizzard seems to be ignoring or missing in all their known bug reports. We have not seen a single response or at least a temp fix for this. Blizzard please ACKNOWLEDGE this! It affects all modes.

Supports lose the ability to see teammates unit frames/health bars above heads on 2nd round and above of King of the Hill maps.


Can confirm this still occurs. tried hiding UI with Alt + Z sometimes get a resolution by changing hero… tho i shouldnt have to be punished ulti charge to fix a ui issue


Been having this issue since launch 2 weeks ago. 98% of my King of the hill games where I play support, this problem happens. Glad to know I am not the only one experiencing this issue. Hopefully it gets fixed soon because this makes playing support a lot more difficult than it should be


Switching support hero appears to refresh the health bars. So i guess until blizz fix this just do a quick swap at start of 2nd/3rd round.

Hope that helps


Still happening. Not playing support ( atleast in comp ) anymore until this gets fixed. It’s not that playing support feels terrible and unrewarding enough anyway right?

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Quick fix: Change hero to anything than current and back. Seems to help for that round/game