Honest question. I see tanks using their ults and getting 1 kill get potg, but my ult as lucio will pop 5 notifications saying I “saved xyz player” and then get top healing for the game and 0 potgs ever happen.
Honest question. I see tanks using their ults and getting 1 kill get potg, but my ult as lucio will pop 5 notifications saying I “saved xyz player” and then get top healing for the game and 0 potgs ever happen.
Lucio potgs are environmental boops. He can out-potg anyone except other environmental potgs. See a reaper get a 3 kill with his blossom or tracer kill both supports with a pulse bomb and a third squishy with her gun? Just boop a couple enemies off the map as Lucio to steal the potg.
Got few as Kiri dinging …
It can be done, but it is harder than other classes. Algorithm is leaning towards damage and tank…
And it is because ‘back in the day’ we used to have those… Mercy rezzing then beaming and saving 3 people… And it was ‘boring’ according to the community
I’ve seen a Zen, Brig, and Bap PotG in OW2. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Ana PotG.
The PotG system just doesn’t handle utility valuation well.
It seems like it heavily favors damage, which is hilarious because most of the potg I see coming from my team, is right after I ult as Lucio to save the weird dps who runs out into the open a ton.
It doesn’t value healing as much as damage/elims, which makes sense because healing is easier, but it’s silly if you nano a rein, anti 3 people, then solo kill a Pharah, but rein gets PotG because he killed those three anti’d people with your nano.
We used to have “Lifesaver” for Supports in which you do a huge amount of healing or a clutch save (healing or kill) on someone from like, an ulting enemy or something. It was really nice to get.
Only time I get POTG now is with enviros or Moira.
Again: It sucks.
I got a Kiriko potg recently but it was just a headshot kill (which was pretty sick, mind), and then immediately casting shrine. Not complaining!
I’m a firm believer that if a potg is from someone who is nano’d, just give it to ana lol
It’s so funny because for some reason, most of the times, when a supp gets POTG it’s the most random play ever
I got a POTG today playing Bap. Two solo kills! And yesterday was Zen.
I got plenty in S1 playing Brig. All of them are boring, but they were many final blows plus assists.
Get potg regularly as brig.
Really REALLY satisfying to see video of myself, chomping up a flank and the support with them, turning and firing a couple heals into my teammates fighting the enemy tank, then bashing over there and whip shotting that bastard into the wall, then blocking his retaliation while my inspire finishes healing the teammates now killing the bad guy through my shield.
I also get potg with Zen and Bap pretty frequently. Kill>heal burst>another kill
Or, Big tank damage with discord resulting in an elim>transcendence that heals literally the whole team>more damage/another kill
Unfortunately the potg algorithm is weighted heavily in favor of kills, then damage. When OW1 first came out, supports got potg all the time, because the weighting on heals was turned up to 11.
I always wanted a cool transition… Like you know ana doing ana things and then she targets gengu and says ‘you powerd up… get in there’… Camera goes from her to gengu PoV and he blades 4 people…
But yeah, that would be a pain to implement…
Yeah… I remember my POTG as Mercy… Flying about… then glocking McRightclick that tried to ult me, then flying about more…
Like wtf was that?
yesterday that happened. Sigma used ult. I dropped beat. Saved my whole team. And it went to Baptiste.
And sometimes it is other way around…
Here I resurrect pharah, she ults and I get PotG o.0
Pretty easy with Zen although he barely qualifies as support
I’d say that it’s probably the easiest to get with Moira, but I’ve had PoTG with Zen, Ana, Moira, Lucio and even Lifeweaver recently.
Definitely harder to pull off with Mercy and Brig.
I get potg as Brig multiple times a day lol
Must be a skill issue then, unfortunate.