listen part of it is the supports have to learn to play a more active , less for them to hide but they have a point. no with no protection all the automake gun heros can one clip them and the sound effects are horrible. you cant hear a flank
Not too sure about this. I’ve had experiences where I’ve struggled as a tank and the supports didn’t move up with me and get flanked by a far-away Genji.
Aren’t you kind of forgetting the Mercy-passive lite that every support got? I can throw bionades at enemies and damage orbs on cooldown now, it’s insane. Fun fact: Fade’s duration is 1 sec, i.e. regen kicks in, all I need to do is get into cover with it. I don’t need to run around like an idiot trying to whipshot someone as Brigitte. I can save Bap’s regen burst for when allies need it too. Zen’s shield regen stacks with it. Lucio can just mash the jump button with speed aura and not get hit , and still have self-heal.
I think there still needs to be tweaks but honestly a lot of it IS adapting to the new fundamentals of the game. People were very focused before on their impact being healing, and supports aren’t about healing anymore. You have to be more proactive with your kit. Yous till gotta heal, but that isn’t a main focus anymore. I def think some supports still need a little love and probably general tweaks but supports aren’t bad. You can be much more versatile in your plays from using your utility more aggressively (anti nade instead of healing) and doing more damage. The game is pushing away from having people play healer and now they gotta play support.
Supports also did not get straight nerfs. There was the support passive along with some net buffs (this is more individual hero though, some of the supports did get more just nerfs).
I think overall, there will be changes to the supports but I think they have to do this very carefully because even something that looks minor on paper for a support could make them insane.
The way I see it, a wide area debilitating status effect that screws other Tanks and Supports isn’t justified in a game mode with only 1 Tank and a crapton less barriers.
Like could you imagine how frustrating it would be if Sombra had her OW1 EMP on a 15sec cooldown in OW2?
I have yet to feel like OW2 is oppressive to supports. In fact I don’t think it’s necessarily easier or much more valuable to kill a support than a DPS either. In either case you have to isolate and burst them down. Doing so to a support reduces the enemy team’s sustain, but doing so to a DPS reduces their ability to secure kills. I’d be curious to know how much an early pick on a support vs dps changes the likely outcome of a fight.
The reason for struggle is forced adaptation. You were chilling in backline for too much. Support is fun, healbot is not fun. Learn 2 play and GiTGuT argument here is real as never before.
What you experience now, is Tank and dps were experiencing for all this time. So there is no reason to complain being equal in effort/reward ratios. It is nobody’s fault that you have picked the easiest playstyle for such role, hence your struggle hits you now of that.
Yes. Less barries - less protection, yet players still having bad positioning, asking for heals, not pealing for their support, that doesn´t have tanks to hide behind anymore. More flankers, more headshots, more grenades, more everything…
Yet the same old support heroes - just nerfed. Nothing new, nothing to motivate us for “getting gud”.