No kidding, every thread this has to be reiterated, Genji is only strong as long as your team is stubborn enough not to change. Your Mercy is struggling? Go Moira, your Widow is not having a good time? Go Symmetra or Mei, hell even Junkrat works depending on the enemy team’s comp. Your Orisa feels like she can’t do anything? Go Winston.
Seriously, Genji is one of the easiest heroes to counter, high or low elo, he’s practically obligated to switch characters otherwise he’s just fodder for the enemy team.
That’s because the biggest issue and power he has lies in his blade.
Instead of nerfing that they decided to nerf what makes his toolkit great for diving a backline, and the people who have issues with him diving them are usually supports playing healbot if we are being honest.
The only thing this change does is make it unbearable to play Genji now. And that’s while Sojourne is able to onetap someone from a distance without having to go in unlike Genji.
What about everyone else in top 500/GM? Oh let’s listen to only 3 of them because they are popular streamers so that means their opinion is more important!
Meanwhile if you watch the Top50 Damage they’re all Soujourn/Genji/Tracer so don’t worry, they’re good, they still got 2 Damage heroes to milk Rankings from.
I disagree, I heavily dislike him because of his duel potential with deflect. As Zen, you are forced to respect it completely or risk losing the 1v1 immediately. That is oppressive to play against. The damage coming down a bit makes it viable to respect Genji and still ragdoll him.
You realize you can do that in custom games, right?
And you realize there are already some custom lobbies online are are playtesting them to see how they perform?
I’m a support main, if Genji is an issue you switch to a Moira or Bap so you can duke it out with him. Putting pressure on him forces him to switch off Genji.
It isn’t exactly rocket science. Sombra was a much bigger issue with her 40% flat damage on hacked targets.
Sojourn? He’s honestly not much of an issue outside blade. His speed boost passive with ult along with the DPS class passive was too strong. They should’ve removed his bonus speed boost when ulting and let him rely on the DPS passive
I am amazed at this, I do agree that these changes are a bit much, but Genji was by default a bit much too.
Look at the top 3 top 500 DPS heroes being played.
Sombra is not even top 3, but she is in need of changes as well. When I am reading in these forums, people tend to be biased when it comes to Genji, but in the same breath say Genji is not overpowered, the opposing team just needs to swap to counter.
One can say the same with Sombra, if you know she is on the enemy team, adjust your playstyle, group up instead of spacing out and do spy checks. Peel for your other teammates when needed.
Genji has been overturned every since the alpha of beta once the removal of CC and a tank. Sombra was strong alpha, but was made practically useless with the 1-second silence duration. Now she is strong with 1.75 seconds. You would think they would test her out to see how she performs with a shorter silence duration, but again she needed changes… just like Genji needed changes. I say watched how these changes work and if he overnerfed or under-performing then we can see about tweaking him, but Genji’s mains need to realize that their hero was deemed to get nerf when Genji got nothing but direct and indirect buffs since 5v5 is now a thing.
How about we wait to see what the nerfs are like when everybody gets to test it properly?
Genji needed nerfs. And no, his dragonblade/Nano situation wasn’t his only problem.
Lots of Support players are finding him really obnoxious to play against, and that’s not just when he’s ulting. Blizz need to get people back into playing Support and whether you like it or not flankers - mainly Genji and Sombra - are a problem for the role right now. So they’re bringing them down. I mean it’s not the only problem with the Support role like, but not getting into that here