đź’ˇ SUPPORT MAINS ONLY: Mercy buff suggestion


  • 50 + 2% max hp / s

That would make healing tanks much easier for mercy, as she lacks in that department.

Here are examples (I counted shields too):

  • D.Va - 62hp/s
  • Orisa - 59hp/s
  • Reinhardt - 60hp/s
  • Roadhog - 62hp/s
  • Sigma - 58hp/s
  • Winston - 60hp/s
  • Hammond - 62hp/s
  • Zarya - 58hp/s

On really low hp targets that would be somewhat unnoticeable, like, Tracer would be healed for 53hp/s while other 200hp heroes would get healed for 54hp/s, its a buff everyone asked for, but those who need heals the most will thrive.

What do ya’ll support fanatics think?


I think mercy needs a buff that would work like this:

Players who are half and below will be healed at 55hp

Players who are over half can be healed the normal 50hps

Valkyrie will need a impact of course so to implement that impact would be:

  • Healing 60hps
  • Damage boost 5%+^
  • Resurrect cool down reduced to 15 seconds

60hps will only apply to beams that are extremely close to the main person being healed/damage boosted. The further you get away from that person the numbers decrease. Lowest would be 50 before disconnected.

As for your suggestions I think it’s overall good idea, I’m not really sure about the tanks necessarily.


personally i think there’s a lot of tweaking mercy needs to bring her into the current meta. the healing should definitely be increased somehow, whether or not in the manner you are suggesting, it needs to be brought up to compete with other healers.

another suggestion: i think that if mercy’s rez gets cancelled (due to boop, hack, flashbang, shieldbash, sleep, charge, freeze, etc), it should go on a reduced cooldown or some kind of small buffer period that does not force her into a 30 second cooldown altogether

sombra’s hack, for instance, gets placed onto a small buffer period if she takes damage while attempting to hack someone or something. the skill itself doesnt go on cooldown, it just becomes unavailable for ~2 seconds

i think mercy’s rez should work in a similar fashion. it doesn’t seem fair that getting booped or hacked or flashbung puts me on full cooldown for failing the skill. the cooldown is already really long. nobody likes long cooldowns, but we can deal with it for rez, but not if it fails. it just doesnt seem fair at all.

edit: mercy’s rez can fail if she gets “knocked out of range” but i’d also like to mention that she can literally walk away while rezzing and fail her rez. that’s kind of funny. i mean that’s even more reason that putting it on a 30 second cooldown kind of sucks. imagine being punished for doing everything you can to pop off rez safely. there’s just no winning


You forgot this: “DPS/Tank don’t interact”

I definitely think Mercy needs some sort of a healing buff, but I don’t think healing based on character is the way to go, personally. That seems…finicky. That being said, kudos to you for doing the maths. :+1: :rofl:


What do you suggest?

I’d suggest to make it more significant
47.5hp/s for tracer
50 for 200hp heroes
60 for 400hp
70 for 600hp
or 30+7.5%
45 for 200, 60 for 400, 75 for 600

Just for reference, Ana heals at 93.75hp/s if she hits every shot. Assuming she misses half on DPS, that’s 46.875.

Honestly I just think giving her 55HPS is the easiest solution; something that’s neither too powerful nor too weak. Do I particularly stand by that idea? No.

While I am a Mercy main for all intents and purposes, I don’t think about her current state in the game too often. I also realise that I’m definitely not the best person to be proposing balance changes to any hero, as I have zero experience in the field of game design/balance, nor am I any good at maths. I have a few opinions on what shouldn’t be done with her, but not so many for what should.

Only of she hits every shot. Mercy’s healing doesnt really require aim, so i think that passively healing more hp for tanks and some dps heroes is the way to go

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I think so too, my comparison to Ana was just about the values i picked.

Heres my idea for a buff:
Caduseus Staff - Overheal
Mercy can overheal her allies af full health for 50 extra health, these extra health will decay after 5 seconds, Mercy cannot heal an overloaded health bar if the extra health is still on the ally.

Thoughts ?

I mean, it sounds good in theory but this isnt Team Fortress 2
The overheal would be slight and when the ally does start taking heavy damage it wont really make a difference

That could cause problems if it stacks with Brig’s +armour. Also, it makes Petrol Pump Simulator worse, not better: now Mercy not only has to heal that 500 or 600 HP tank up to full, but an extra 50 HP on top of that. With Brig it’s fine, because Repairs are fire-and-forget, but Mercy has to actively heal to accomplish the same effect, so it’d be more boring.

This doesn’t seem very “overwatch”. These sort of small variables based on exactly what a specific number is just isn’t how overwatch presents itself.

What someone said about “a higher rate when below 50%” makes more sense, as several mechanics operate around the “at or below 50%” threshold.

I think trying to increase Mercy’s healing just goes against where the devs feel she should be which is a hero that trades heal amount for flexibility of healing. Like zen, he probably has the most forgiving heal but it’s at the lowest rate of only 30hps.


Mercy doesn’t need a healing buff. She’s not meant to be pocketing tanks. If you’re in a comp where your tanks need a lot of healing, either pair Mercy with another support hero who does that well or pick someone else. It’s not necessary to make support heroes interchangeable and have all of them be good the same things.


i think that if anything mercy needs a new R ability that gives her this increased healing she needs

her kit is just too automatic as it stands right now, she needs a big more complexity

  1. You shouldn’t try and block two roles out of the discussion, a change to one hero (especially healing) affects all heroes and the overall flow of the game
  2. Mercy has low healing because she’s meant to be a pocket healer, not a full team healer like Bap, Ana or Moira. Mercy is meant to focus on healing one person and keeping them strong through the entire fight.
  3. Mercy has the second strongest support ability, resurrect. Thats the main reason you pick mercy, for Rez, not for team wide heals.

Blizzard has stated in the past they want Mercy to be the go-to healer for pumping out a lot of healing over the course of a match. Why would she be a pocket healer then?


“Mercy has low healing because:
She’s supposed to heal one team member at a time”

Arguments like that are why OP is requesting other support players to join this dicsussion.

It assumes that other supports are incapable or unwilling to target one player at a time. As Moira I spend a lot of time holding M1 on tanks while they go in. I do the same thing on Ana. Not only are Moira and Ana more capable of pocketing someone as they go into a fight- they also contribute to the fight with offensive utility. Moira even has an orb she can throw into the fight to heal everybody at once (including that hopping Genji).

I think trying to heal a Genji is the only time I’ve ever thought something might be easier on Mercy than on Ana, Moira, or Bap.

Hell, by the end of an average game on Moira or Ana I usually have just as much healing as I would normally get in that time on Mercy, but with 5-10 eliminations as well.

Overbuff shows that the average number of resurrects during a match is 6.
In a 10 minute match that means one res every 2 minutes.

Of those 6 resurrects how many of them were actually impactful and not just a fast travel to the point after dying?


OW doesn’t present you with numbers at all. It doesn’t have to specify somewhere how much it does, or even that it increases slightly on higher HP targets. You’d only find anything this specific in the wiki.

They have stated (iirc) that they wanted her to put out a lot of healing and fly around between her teammates. I’d say more tank healing, while keeping the dps heal the same or less, would make her way more fun to play without actually making her a significantly stronger. Especially considering she used to be 60hp/s for a while. It’d still be relatively easy to overpower (it not being any more helpful when pocketing), without the absolute chore that is healing up a tank


I say:

  • remove her healing
  • Can only damage boost
  • Make her resurrect instant
  • Her ult stays the same

People hate Mercy cuz she’s a “pocket healer” then make her resurrect more and sacrifice the healing.