Support is the easiest role

we main brig mercy why would we need aim assist on those if there so easy already ur being so cringe

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It’s like the Avril Lavigne conspiracy theories. Maybe the devs killed off Sym and replaced her with a look-alike :scream:


Mercy literally allows you to turn away from your teammate and heal them and even has a setting where you click them once and it stays on forever. Bap you literally have to shoot the floor as the bare minimum and if you do any more automatically masters. Lucio’s aura takes even less skill than the rest of them tho his primary needs aim but you usually just spam it LOL. Don’t even get me started on Moira

The real Sym is being kept in the beysment with Sia :weary: beyonce cloned her and sent the fake to the surface :pensive:


Sometimes I think people make these statements while only taking “baseline” output into consideration, and not actually excelling or using these characters to their maximum potential.

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I love old symmetra, specially her ultimtate, saved alot my team.

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This literally isn’t true, but if we’re exaggerating like this

All you need to do on soldier is hold LMB, anything else and you’re automatically masters.

Exaggerating as much as you’re doing isn’t helpful at all.


I heard if you ask to see the real symm you get locked up and banned :pensive::pleading_face:. Now we have some random lady name Sia Gomez

Yeah, each support hero is unique, but it doesn’t take away the main idea of supports.

To Heal.

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It’s funny because All I had to do was shoot at the floor as Bap to get value and have decent immortality fields. He has great damage on top of that which is even funnier :joy: and self sustain.

Yet that’s not all you did because there are people in plat who do that and still can’t climb because they lack other fundamentals.

Again, reducing things down to the extreme you’re doing isn’t helpful. At all.


Most be some pretty terrible Bap players lol. I still to this day don’t understand how people are so terrible at Moira or Bap.

He’s still pretty easy. There is a reason no support is S Tier in terms of skill besides possibly Ana but the fourms thinks she is C Tier LOL

I think you’re completely missing the point.

The issue isn’t their bap. The issue is their overall game knowledge. Again, like I said, there are fundamentals that people obviously are lacking, and even on easy heroes they’re still required to climb. This is why Moira doesn’t just instantly boost a bronze DPS player to GM on support the second they pick her.

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Well that applies to every hero and once you get that than support is the easiest lol and also Moira is dog so good lol

you mean mercy moira can’t dmg boost lmaooooo

Don’t be dumb, was talked about MOIRA as example. And moira cannot boost damage…

Why you flagged your post for deletion?

right lol?

So when I play mercy can I call people racial slurs if they aren’t hitting enough shots?

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lol that was funny.


You think Zen needs 225HP and that’s the copium speaking in you.

My precious egirl would never do anything mean