he has to be trolling.
if i see a wall of text like this that sums up to “supports not op” or “support deserves to be op” i just assume its a troll
because i refuse to believe anyone could believe that
he has to be trolling.
if i see a wall of text like this that sums up to “supports not op” or “support deserves to be op” i just assume its a troll
because i refuse to believe anyone could believe that
if they nerf healing it becomes less irritating to kill the squishies
which means the supports have too choose between healing themselves or the tank which means even with less healing on your team. if your target prio is better you’ll win more often
with the amount of healing we have now, alot of the OG aspects of overwatch are dead.
target priority still exists but its a shell of its former self because you arnt solo killing a support unless they are bad and you arnt killing the tank unless you play tank busting heroes.
the only people that suffer from less healing are bad players and thats because their mistakes will get punished alot more often.
supports the most impactfull and self-sustaining hero they do what ever they want
Uhm… so we’re just forgetting the MASSIVE buffs Lifeweaver got and how crazy Illari is???
People keep saying lucio is the “most balanced support” and how every support should be like him but I disagree. Lucio himself doesn’t heal enough to be able to keep the tanks alive. The only reason why he’s even playable is because you typically play him with other supports like ana, bap or moira who can do tons of healing.
If both supports were on lucio in your team, the amount of healing tank get would be abysmal and half of the tank roster would be unplayable with the amount of damage in this game.
Okay. Cool. And? Why should tanks just stay alive from raw heals? They can’t use cover? Or their cooldowns?
The amount of healing hasn’t changed.
The only people that suffer from the current healing are bad dps and that’s because their mistakes will be punished a lot more often.
You can take this arguement in circles for days, this mindset is why the game is at an all time low.
YEA but NO ONE is complaining about LW. It’s all WAHHH NERF ANTI, WAHHHH NERF LAMP, WAHHHH NERF DISCORD, WAHHH NERF PASSIVE REGEN SO I CAN DUEL a support 5000 MILES AWAy from the objective.
You are completely throwing the baby out with the bathwater. They COULD NOT kill our tank who just had to stand there. My team shouldve at least lost a point to them and yet we didnt. I don’t get why you think an unkillable tank is fun to play against. Season 1 had a lot of tanks playing and it was not swamped with so much healing, cc, and sustain abilities. Supports had issues adjusting is the main reason it felt “bad” for them based on hindsight. People will probably play MORE tank as they will actually be able to kill things rather than hope their supports are better than the enemies (because currently tank and dps sustain damage is all but nullified by meta supports.
I never said that. And I’ve had many posts expressly stating that the dumbest thing this game ever did was go to 5v5 and superbuff the tank role to compensate. And healing hasn’t been the issue for 7 WHOLE years so maybe the problem is tanks and NOT healing.
shocked pikachu face
It has though. Supports have 2 dps and 1 tank to heal instead of 2 tanks 2 dps and 1 healer to heal.
Because dps is just naturally more punishing. Supports making mistakes is 100000x harder to punish than a dps making a mistake.
Its a priority thing, LW in its current iteration is absolutely broken its just that ana bap illiari kiri are just priorities.
Bias. And on average wrong. Your mistakes on support typically will result in losing a point/obj. You miss a helix rocket, you just keep firing.
Y’all wanna act like support is the most impactful with the most responsibility and somehow DPS is the most punishing. You can’t have it both ways.
Flavor of the week.
You literally went off about how games would turn from tanks being unkillable to tanks needing to guzzle heals from both supports to survive. Two extreme opposites of the healing spectrum with your preference seeming to be the unkillable over any changes whatsoever.
Do you NOT see the consequences of what you’re asking for?
I am a Support player and i’ve been playing Tanks (DVa, JQ, Orisa, Ramattra and Zarya) and DPS (Ashe, Sojourn, Sombra and Echo) over the past few days and i’ve been doing GREAT and i’ve been having so much fun. I don’t see what the issue with Tank/DPS role is exactly?? It’s a clear exaggeration to me because both Tank and DPS feel both fine and impactful.
Yes. A balanced game where a tank who SHOULD die dies. I guess for you any change is like: " A little boy plays in the park…Millions of people died 10 years later". And healing became a major issue during goats (you couldnt kill the tanks nor punish supports thanks to brig’s launch state) and again during the “protect the president” bastion orisa bap meta
Weren’t you the person that suggested supports should be DPS V2
Well we’re in that game now and it’s a complete mess
Yes, its also alot harder to make a mistake on healer. As dps a mistake is doing everything correct and getting the perfect angle, thr perfect timing, the perfect cd management and then dying because of not hitting a head and a body shot on cass.
Kiriko? Left click right click right click suzu.
Anything bad happens? Tp away.
We are at a point where healers do so much more while at the same time with minimal effort compared to dps. So you can absolutely have it both ways.
To the point where dps players are just queing bap illiari and ranking higher than their dps rank.
Heres the truth, would you rather have a gm dps thats diamond on healer playing healer on your team? Or a gm healer thats diamond on dps thats playing dps on your team. Answers pretty simple.
If healing was the problem with goats why were no DPS part of it. Especially you have reaper that destroyed tanks, dps Doom that destroyed healers/backline.
Because dps couldnt do anything against three tanks (rein, zarya. and I forget the third tank) who synergistically covered each other’s weaknesses. Reaper was also much much weaker at that time (life steal change from soul orbs hadn’t been introduced just yet I believe)