Support design philosophy has ruined the game alongside 5v5

I think what they need to do is just suck it up and admit that role queue is going to continue to be a nightmare for them. It is impossible to make all three roles fun to play as long as they have to hyperfocus supports like this. Making supports overpowered is directly killing tank queues. It’s a complete nightmare to play them. Again.

I don’t think most high ELO players even know what Balance means from an academic professional perspective.

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I don’t think they will.

Because it isn’t a nightmare for them.
It lets them get and keep large amounts of players, with minimal issues in the majority of ranks.
So where is their pain points for having it?
Again, the player base is not Blizzard, and their balancing desires are different.

They are going into a buff tanks cycle, I think they wanted to know where the new tank, and hog lands, and what the queues look like before turning them all back into raid bosses.

That doesn’t answer the question.

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bad example they dont understand them and make them so inefficient i should know i fit the trash they make

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If that is true, I find it hilarious how they think killing tank queues is a good business decision.

I think high ELO players are very very good at identifying problems.

But not good at solving them.

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They work on different queues at different times.

Tank queues under the new balancing system have NEVER gotten as bad as they did in OW1.

I am surprised they let them get as bad as they have, but they are in “fixing them” mode.

That still doesn’t answer the question of if those who don’t have a high level understanding of the game can even begin to effectively balance it.

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Balance it for what? It isn’t as if they have anything like the same targets as the GM players do.

My argument is they ARE effectively balancing the game. They just are not balancing it for the GM players, because it would be a TOTAL disaster.

Thing is: I don’t think buffs will fix tank queues at all. They might rise for a short while, then tanks will realize that they’re playing tank and drop them again. The issue is that the big four supports make them really, really bad to play. Especially Ana. No amount of buffs will make them fun to play against these supports’ OP abilities.

For actual balance. Not revenue.

As a consumer I simply don’t care about how far they can stretch their financials. Nor should I. I care about gameplay quality.


No, they usually suck at it, and try to solve things using made-up methodologies that either don’t exist, or aren’t important.

Notably, the vast majority of them haven’t updated their approach to game design, since before Role Queue.

And are obsessed with Role vs Role stuff. Even though that barely even exists.

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I used to think that, but I saw how well the tank queues did when they were balanced for being raid bosses, and how they managed to get supports to be highly picked.

So balance CAN work by buffing roles which are under subscribed, and nerfing the over subscribed ones.

The DPS players, especially the high ranked ones will REALLY hate it though, since for balancing in high ranks it would have to go in the reverse direction.

Well, that would kill the game, so they can’t do that.

I mean, they can, there is a lot of dead hero shooters out there. The game type is FAMOUS for how few of the games survive.

Overwatch would be so dead, so quickly if they balanced for power in GM.

I realise that you’re not actually referring to the devs but I’m just going to go with saying that I’m glad we agree. Yes, the devs do suck at balancing.

Slightly lower return for shareholders is not the same as killing the game.

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No I mean it would ACTUALLY kill the game. The drop in players over time would be eye watering.

Tanks / Supports would basically vanish in the lower / mid ranks. DPS queue times would make OW1 queue times seem like a summer holiday.

Well, I’m pretty convinced the devs got their math wrong on winrate math.

RobotWizard is doing some fancy math stuff to try to figure that out.

Yeah, I also don’t think it really matters :slight_smile:

Nah…Most changes to balance for gm+ wouldn’t even be felt by mid-low ranks as it’s effectively a different game and nothing would change.

That much has been obvious for years and does explain a lot. Not that it would change the actual patches and how ineffective they are.

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Well, to be fair, I don’t think they even should be using winrate for Balancing.

And instead they should minmax pickrate on Fun-To-Play-As, vs Frustrating-to-Play-Against.