Support character become more DPS on every balance patch

look like they’re already start pushing the support rework now so far from what we seen they made kiriko and moira become more DPS

i think they tried to rework support role as off DPS with supporting abilities now ?

cuz that sound stupid

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Always have been. It’s weird you never noticed.

Well weird isn’t the right word but I’m trying to be polite.


Moira’s last buff was a buff to make her more of a healer.
Kiriko’s nerf doesn’t make her do more damage.

Not sure what else to say other than that. No, they aren’t becoming more DPS oriented than they already are.


The Support role has always been a mix of damage/healing/utility

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Support is helping your team keep them alive and killing the other team. It is both healing and dpsing.

Yeah OW2 role queue
Dps, dps or dps thats the goal I think


I think like always, its necesary to talk about supports individually, blanket statements don’t really work

Mercy got heals buffed
Brig got survivability buffed (shield), and CC nerfed
Zen got CC buffed (kick)
Kiriko got healing nerfed

The buffs/nerfs are all over the place, there doesn’t seem to be a singular “we are pushing support into more damage role”


you forgot mercy +5 ammo and faster weapon swap

A classic Ankhrux lie.

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Very wrong.

‘Support’ means assisting your team to stay alive and get kills. ASSISTING, not killing by urself. At the moment Kiriko has the damage to 2-shot any dps character except for reaper, bastion and possibly mei. Ana can easily 3shot pharah (and landing 3 shots on a pharah is like aiming to piss inside the toilet). Moira can be exclusively played as a flanker, no need to heal anyone but urself and you can win, just avoid 1shot heroes like hanzo.

In general, I can understand why they buffed support damage so much, it’s to improve queue times. Noone wanted to play heal-bot so they managed to make healing obsolete instead of fixing support role in the correct way, by adding more utility and survivability.

Don’t even have me mention tanks. Tanks are basically tankier dps at the moment.

this. It allows an out of resource moira to gain resources at orb range, and continue healing, instead of the only choice being to leave the team and flank or backline to RMB gain resources.

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not really people that play moira doesn’t know heal ball exist and dev even encourage more damage ball

i except next balancing will nerf heal ball or completely remove heal ball

Tanks are DPS as well. See Orisa.

That’S how games of today are designed: The kids want to deal damage and want to make flashy plays. The classical support role in games was never really popular but got less attention the past years. Same with tanks. On top of that: Most multiplayer games lack the team work spirit today. It is like everyone just wants to play his own mini game. I have seen this in a lot of multiplayer games the past years. And that is why people don’t want to be stuck on a healer that only works if you are with your team. If your team is not supporting each other and everyone runs around solo, then you are just lost on a weak healer. That’s why healers are supports now and heroes like Moira can run around like a flanker.

Actually, game design just reacts to the gameplay changes that happened the last years. The players get what they want. Coordination and teamwork? Works only in high-skill level gameplay with premade teams. Other than that, multiplayer games are basically just FFA - it is everyone for himself.

Apologies, I’m sorry for not including the patch that did literally nothing for Mercy.

For clarification as to why this change POSSIBLY happened is Mercy is the only support who weapon swaps. The whole point is to be able to defend herself. It’s not reliable. You use it to duel when you have no other options, a lucky pick, or you have Valk on and are completely capable of an easy pick.
However, it is and always will be more beneficial to use healing beam and power boost. Five bullets and slightly faster weapon swap is for high elos at best. For everyone else, it literally means nothing.

Mercy pistol is a last ditch effort 50% of the time.

I also wanted to point this out real quick.
Most Moiras in most games that are good have higher healing than damage because Moira’s DPS compared to other DPS, Supports, and Tanks is pitiful. However, her HealingPerSecond is really high. The damage is just consistent tick damage. The change to her dark orb didn’t make it do more damage but give her more value to heal spray.

What you do is use your dark beam or dark orb and fill up your heal spray. At long ranges, you can’t use the dark beam because it’s twenty meters only. Dark Orb giving you resource basically means you can toss a Dark Orb to poke and get some healing resource back so you don’t have large gaps between having no healing spray and having to rely on Orb cooldown.

Also most Moira mains and high Elo Moiras say (and are correct) that healing Orb is better than necrotic orb. You have best resource value tossing a purple orb into a brawl. Nine times out of ten, you are getting way more value out of healing orb since you are always with your team and they are usually close together. It also just does more HPS compared to your Orb DPS. High Elo Moiras have been said to use only healing orb and this hasn’t changed much even with the minor buff.
The idea they’d remove her Healing Orb at all is ridiculous and, if they did, every support player would riot.

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A lot of supports are just DPS that can heal and provide utility/sustain instead of having a full kit of damaging abilities. They gave a few support some tweaks for ow2, but it’s not like they were magically support and then DPS.

Cope. Just like tanks becoming big DPS, supports are becoming little DPS. Blizzard needs to figure out what kind of game they’re trying to be.