Support and lower Elo inequality

People all know that the matchmaking is unfair, but it’s particularly bad in lower elo (bronze-gold). You always get smurfs on THE OTHER TEAM and usually somehow you get super weird team throwing in a way that is irreversible (esp as healers).

It’s almost impossible to climb as a mercy main. And when you decided to go Moira saving your team by contributing some dps, you get flamed even when you heal 10000 per 10 min.

Please fix the game to be more healer-friendly. Surviving from flanks is already hard, yet we have to deal with both enemies and teammates.

Would it help if you got less DoubleOffTanks? Like Roadhog/Zarya.


well sometimes the team don’t read. But its really about quality players, team comb is/t that important in low elos to me

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K. Generally I find it easier to heal when your team has a BarrierTank.
Your teammates take a lot less damage, so keeping them healed is easier.
Also so that your healer isn’t having to dodge attacks so much, so they can focus on healing.

The problem in lower ranks is that people don’t care. They play Widow when their aim is bad, they play mercy when other healers do so much more, and they go double tank because it’s not fun being a MT punshing bag when your team doesn’t want to use voice chat in a competitive mode.

Moira and brig can effectively deal with flankers. Plus you can climb no matter the smurfs (yeah they’re annoying I know).

Well, reason I was mentioning it, is I think I got a fix for that.
Just give BarrierTanks less HP, but more Firepower with strong Barriers.
Then speed up offtank cooldowns a bit.

That way, MT’s feel like they aren’t so reliant on their team to do, much of anything.
And while they don’t have selfheal, a regenerating barrier is almost a selfheal.


  • Orisa/Sigma = 350hp, Stronger barrier, 14% more firepower, Weaker fortify/grasp
  • Rein = 400hp, Stronger barrier, 7% more firepower, 14% more barriered mobility
  • Mei = Tank, 350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall
    • So she can’t Peel for DoubleBarrier.
  • Off Tanks and Winston = 1sec less on a cooldown
    ✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

its true though hving shields is always better than none