(Super) Global healing debuff in OW2?

Then do this, even though I do not buy their argument that heals were too effective in combat.

Who cares about out of combat healing being lower considering the healing needs are also lower. It’s the better deal as you can heal more in teamfights where your healing output really matters.

The best path forward would be to not nerf healing, but if the devs are going to be stubborn, take the alternate path.

Also, are you even doing anything novel or fascinating for supports? No, do not spin getting my heroes weaker as something interesting and cool…


Ok, I’m sorry if I’m missing something here but this doesn’t make sense. Tanks do less damage mitigation and do more damage so the healing is too strong? What?

If there is less damage mitigation by having fewer tanks that do less individual mitigation, wouldn’t there be a need for more healing to compensate? And if there is more damage being done, wouldn’t that also require more healing to mitigate?


Turns out tanks do tons of damage as well and now that heals aren’t split between them, all of it being poured into one tank makes them very tough.

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He’s just saying that tank’s do more damage than they block. But because there’s 1 less tank doing damage, the healers were too good at keeping their team alive

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I actually think it’s a very interesting change but if it needs to stay it should definitely be something like max 2 seconds to be “out of combat” if you aren’t taking damage and there needs to be some kind of visual tell for both the person who receives healing and the person giving it.

I do know from my conversations with Geoff and Josh that we’re not looking to increase healing right now though, and it makes sense to use the test environment to establish new baselines to work against.

Caveat: I’m not a designer.


I guarantee you there will be an overhealing support.


Who will become an overnerfed support because of the :baby_bottle: :baby:


Isn’t that just what Brig’s old Armor Pack was? But in OW2 all “overhealth” is now green so, if Brig had that ability back, it wouldn’t be Armor, it would be normal HP

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Everything died really fast in the demo, it looked like there was no healing at all, so I’m not buying this based on what they showed us.


What about tankbusters like Reaper, who don’t really fit in anymore, since there will only be one tank?

“B-b-but I clicked on head!!! They should be dead!!! Nerf!!”

Blizzard: yes master overlord DPS. Your wish is my command

Then they’re just gone.


I understand the reasoning behind not increasing healing and I also somewhat understand the thought process behind lesser healing output because there’s less players in general to heal…

But less mitigation overall will equalise the healing output requirements.

We’ve seen that everything explodes in the alpha stage because supports are super ineffective but tanks also do not have the mitigation needed to not instantly explode to drastic damage. It doesn’t feel fun being that inferior to damage on either side and will result in loss of player retention if it becomes that unfun to play those roles.

At this point in the alpha stage, neither role looks enjoyable to play, but the complete opposite. I hope the devs backtrack on what made those roles enjoyable and why their current design model makes them very unenjoyable and unengaging to play. If they don’t do that, their role based gamemodes will be empty of support and tank players, period.

We don’t want shadowlands 2.0 fps version because they’re too stubborn to change their minds.


That’s probably because of Supports all doing 25% less healing tbh. That means that Ana and Bap (With direct shots) were only doing 52.5 healing per second , which is why people aren’t happy in this whole thread.


Yeah, idk what they are doing, but this new game they are making looks like an unfun mess to play.

Might be more fun for the hardcore fps players, but why would those people choose overwatch over a game that does hardcore fps better?


Appreciate the response. Was just suggesting a different way to get the same effect as noted in the demo games this past weekend (i.e.; out of combat healing being greater than in combat healing).

But missed your quote from Geoff about the idea being moved away from, rendering mine moot.

With out of combat self healing passive and reduced healing in combat… what do the developers expect supports to play as?


Personally i cant believe that.

Like we all saw how sombra solo killed rein in less than 2 seconds.

And so the perfect healing for Mercy in combat is 37.5 now?
Why should you ever heal lol.


OW2 was doomed since they announced it in 2019 and they killed OW1 in the making of it. Good job!


What do you mean!? Mercy was always the hyper violent “shut up before I glock you” character in Overwatch lore, don’t you remember?! She was the one who told Reaper to shoot that guy in Retribution! And don’t get me started on what she did to Mondatta!

She’s most famous for her line “Violence must always be the solution!”; of course they’ll turn her into a DPS and buff her glock!