Super easy question

What’s your favorite game?

Look we all know what forum this is the answers obvious but go ahead and say it for the world!


Paladins :joy:


Madden (lacking characters)


Nier: Automata.
Glory to Mankind.


Hmmm my post appears to be backfiring.

I have made Z mistakes.

Lol on purposely so but I will go on and say.
BG3 is the best game in ages.

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lol I just can’t

Twenty characters


Oh that
That’s easy
Borderlands 2
I aspire to be like Handsome Jack


Shantae. Cheap indie metroidvania platformer, fun characters and mechanics and amazing music.


Tie between candy crush and farmville

Now if you said most played game even currently I would have to say Overwatch. I put more hours into this game than any other it is like an addiction at this point. You can play games you dislike or even hate if it gives you that high point once in every 10 games where you feel a dopamine drip.

She so cute
Twenty characters

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The game I’ve got the most hours in is probably FFXIV.

I don’t think I could pick just one absolute favorite so I won’t even really try, but one I do love dearly is The World Ends With You for the DS. Also shoutouts to The Bouncer, I beat that game multiple times and unlocked everything, even doing all 3 routes on Koh. I think I was on NG+8.


Currently? Helldivers 2.

It’s like the first year of Overwatch. Everyone is playing it. The monetization is very player friendly and rewards playing regularly. The dev team is communicative and responds to the community.

Makes me miss Overwatch from 2016.


Best game I ever played?

Counter Strike 1.6

I been playing since 2013 but end ringer was so bare bones and relic grind was yuk just a tome grind no special zone.

I played ff6 so much as a kid on SNES.

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Destiny 2. I played all of destiny 1, and I stopped playing d2 after the warmind expansion. I got tired of them trying to milk every dime they could out of their players.

Then they released that free update a few weeks back. It got me to go back and check it out again. I bought 3 years worth of expansions, on sale, for $30 total.

I haven’t played anything else since.

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Ugh I wish I could play again but I quit at queen and I missed a few expacs so too expensive to “The Taken Wallet” get back into.

Random question, but when you named yourself teabow, was it after the twisted bow?

It’s weird, I despise Eureka with every fiber of my being, but I adored Bozja. I have 1 Zodiac Weapon and then every relic in the game, aside from the Eurekan weapons.

I like the grind though. I just got my Astrope mount and my High Roller title recently, next I’m working on getting my Trusts up to 90 and getting 5 clears of HoH 100 floors. And eventually I’ll go do a BA.

I loved FFV, VI, and VII. Played a bunch of them growing up. I’m a huge fan of job/class systems so played a lot of V, but VI was fantastic as well.

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