Super Depressed Pharah Main here :/

She seems also way stronger against shields now. That winston bubble just melts now makes it less annoying for her to deal with.

Apparently Pharah is now supposed to be 80% of the time on ground and flanking with his E being the only tool to escape behind angles from where she has to peek and land the slowest rockets in the world with sniper precision in order to even deal some damage.

You’re not depressed, just because you’re sad over a video game does not mean you’re depressed. Go to a doctor if you feel too sad overtime.

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Has anyone ever been happy with blizzard change?

Welcome to the club. Same thing happened with Sombra.

Watch Pharah be played in OWL/Contenders and then everyone saying she is OP/balanced right after.

Its gonna be a long road ahead.

If you play a lot of tanks, you’ll find yourself constantly being hit by a barrage of Phara missiles because dodging them with Rein/Orisa walking speed is a no go, and missing a target that big is quite frankly impossible. (Not to mention that flicking DM to pick missiles no longer works given she can fire almost twice as fast as you can activate/deactivate’s DM.)

Games where people are playing the new Phara with new Torb together are a nightmare, Phara with the higher fire-rate and Torb with his new E have a insane DPS against barriers, so Orisa’s shield go down in 2 seconds, and when getting hit by them as sometimes you lose the mech in literally a second flat.

Lets see how much more detriment can Blizzard add against tanks.

I’ve been wanting that for awhile too

Whether or not its bad, the rocket speed change has made pharah more fun than she ever was imo. I see where blizzard is going with this and I hope that further nail it down

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Just learn to aim those faster rockets and you will wreck. I’d argue shes just as dangerous on console as ever because now people can be more precise and not have to rely on splash damage or clumped up groups

I’m glad to hear it. We might not need hitscan anymore then.

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“a boost that has a predictible path”

A “buff” I’ve wanted forever is the ability to cancel the boost partway through. You rarely need to go that high, and it often puts you in a Widow or hitscan’s fov. And it’s super easy to hit you because the apex of the boost is so predictable, they just wait for the top of the arc and pop you while you’re essentially standing still. I saw someone here suggest the rocket boost was a getaway tool but the truth is that it often makes you really vulnerable.

Ciryl: I’d be fine if they cut the fire rate back for Pharah to before, we never asked for that buff. And yeah between that and Nu-Torb barrier shields are gonna melt faster :confused: edit Though the reduced splash damage means Pharah can do less damage around the shield vs Brigitte etc.

I’m not a Pharaoh main per say but i do play a-lot of her. and she still has the most mobility out of any hero by far! and can 2 shot most offence, and support heroes, even some defensive ones too.

They really aren’t

Think about it more as a rework and learn her new playstyle (watch the fareeha video about it)

Tried pharah first time since the patch Tuesday. Admittedly, it did not feel good. The splash may as well not even exist its so pitiful.

Honestly, OW’s entire competitive platform exists on PC. Why make changes to appease console players?

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I do think that Pharah needs a buff, but I’m not against her recent balance changes. Getting cheap kills with easy splash damage was not fair. She definitely needs to be buffed in other ways, though.

Purely anecdotal but…

I finally got to play her a bit last night and felt it to be a straight buff like I thought it would be. Still hard carried 3 or 4 games. One game even had a dva and soldier and I was still wrecking everyone. Granted I’m on console, but wasn’t the that the entire purpose of the change?

All I had to do was focus a tad more on my aim. I’m far from amazing as my career accuracy is 46%.

The conc buff is just fantastic!

Don’t get me wrong you feel the splash change dramatically but I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal for anyone who was already decent at direct shots.

Please change the title

Slumcat: I’m not sure if you’ve ever played on PC but hitscan + mouse creates some insane accuracy and a much quicker response time than a clumsy analog stick. If a hitscan player has good mechanical skill they can whack a Pharah out of the sky in just a moment.

Warthog: What?

Ya that’s why I said granted I’m on console and wasnt that meant to be the purpose of the change :thinking:.

And anecdotally.

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If this wasn’t enough to “fix” Pharah on console I dread what they’re going to do to nerf her even more next :disappointed_relieved: