Super Depressed Pharah Main here :/

Aw. :frowning:

I know my situation isn’t nearly as bad (because it’s very obvious Pharah has been through the ringer lately), but I felt like this with Tracer awhile back. Brig plus the Hanzo buffs, Pulse Bomb nerf, and introduction of Symmetra’s turrets of death, etc. really made her harder to get value out of in my rank.

I felt useless a lot. Was really frustrating, so … even though, like I said, it wasn’t as bad for us, I do get ya. My sympathies. :frowning:

It sucks, but you just gotta keep at it. Play her if that’s what you find fun. Just try and get all the enjoyment you can. Try and just become better. That’s all you can really do. I’m still trying to do that myself.

So just keep calm and … er … rocket on? XD


(I was going to put a picture here like always, but you know there is not a single image on google of Tracer platonically hugging or high fiving Pharah? I am disappoint. D:)


Crepsly: I bet there is some non-platonic art, though :joy:


We can’t tell your positioning or gamesense over text without a video.

Pharah is both; its why her concussion blast is primarily a mobility tool. Poke from afar so as not to get killed by hitscans other than widow. You get small splash damage, barrier breaking, and lucky direct hits or backline harassment. Then when the teams are brawling you can be opportunistic and get in for more direct damage rockets because the hitscan will be shooting close targets. If your team is winning and the hitscan is ignoring you, you stay in, if you’re losing you concuss out and get to safety.

Yeeeeeah, I’m not gonna check. XD

you haven’t reached bastion main depression level yet


Yeah, I try to do that. Hmmm. You know, the game that seriously frustrated me last night was one where my team wasn’t really pushing in (the tanks etc). So I really couldn’t get close without dying because the Soldier they had was sitting on the high ground just waiting for me (also, being an ***hole). So sometimes it might be more a global issue with my team than just me.

From what I’ve seen today alone-on the forums-it’s quite the opposite.

Ok i didnt read through the comments to see what people have said but im gonna say this.
The main reason the pharah changes happened was because of her being over powered on console. She was a legit menace. A pharah could hard carry any game, with little to no contest, because of her splash damage. Honestly they should have just made these changes for console and left pc pharah alone.

Not to be entirely offensive, but I’d hardly consider most forum users good at the game. Hell, I’m high masters/low GM and think I’m trash most of the time.

Yeah they should be balancing them separately. Which I know they said they would do, and I think they have done with certain things like turrets, but it seems kinda erratic whether they actually take this stuff into account :confused:

I think she needs maybe 15-30 more damage on directs and the removal of self damage. Personally I’m getting a lot out of these changes.

I feel your pain old sym main here ;.;
No one should have to lose their favorite playstyle

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I’m sorry but can we have 150 HP and 50 Amour please.

see my dear roadhog and stop cry phara is a character ho can fly and make a lot of damage is not dead is still a powerfull character.

Join the queue lol. Every hero I play ends up getting shafted 1 way or another. Ana, mercy, roadhog, sombra, symmetra. All have been made less effective by their changes, all Ive basically given up on playing.

There is a pregame voice line where Pharah is asking Brigitte to take a look at her armor…

…and Brigitte totally ignores her :disappointed_relieved:

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“Brigitte, I’d love it if you could take a look at my armor sometime!”
“It’ll take some time for me to get familiar with the design, but if you don’t mind, I’d love to!”

The more I play, the more convinced I am that it’s a nerf, and a hard one at that.

She’s rewarded for actually aiming her shots? No, she’s punished for aiming her shots because you have to hold down M1 like you have a lead finger to actually see the one buff she got.

Before, you would shoot directly, and the enemy would see your rocket and try to dodge. However, they’d still get mostly hit and knocked in a predictable direction, both keeping them from shooting you and allowing you to follow up with a direct hit due to their predictable knockback trajectory. 80 + 120 = 200, so a regular squishy would die from that two-hit combo.

Try that now? You’ll still barely miss because your rockets don’t travel any faster, except you’ll only do 55 damage instead of 80, and you won’t even knock them back as far, reducing your ability to follow-up AND allowing them to more easily shoot back at you. And even if you do follow-up you’ll need a third rocket to kill them. So basically, what that amounts to is that it’s harder and more dangerous to be doing less damage.

People keep saying “it’s a buff if you can aim”, but I can’t seem to find the Pharah in the roster with the hitscan rockets everyone else is apparently using. I guess she’s better at barrier breaking now, and that’s totally a niche that’s worked wonders for other characters! /s

So adorable I vomited a little.

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It’s a nerf to people who aren’t good with her.