Summer skin idea for Ana

Young Ana as a Lifeguard or with sporty outfit, fresh and clean.
I need it.

Same applies to Ashe :heart: :tongue: :heart:



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I want Moira in a black swimsuit with a big hat

Like this (but without the shoes and a bit more stylish)


Looks great
Sun hat Moira xD

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I want to see them put Roadhog into Widow’s Cote d’Azur skin. I think it would be hillarious.

Or a Wreckingball skin that mocks D.Va; like make him a Nano Cola skin.


Maybe a Baywatch David Hasselhoff skin for Reinhardt too.


Echo as an Omnic mermaid maybe…not like she needs legs to move around.

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I approve of this Ana idea. I’m a little bummed she didn’t get an anniversary skin. Mostly because they’re the best skins, but also because she already has a summer games skin, 2 Halloween skins and a winter games skin.

If they did a younger ana summer skin it would at least be different enough.

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Maybe they do a summer blowout skinfest this year…give every character that doesn’t already have one a lifeguard skin.

Make Baywatch great again

They could make a PvE around it defend a beach from null sector coming from the water or something.


That could make for a neat skin I suppose. But Cabana will always be my favorite lol

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As long as it will be not like “a turtle made it to the water” :smiley:

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Life Guard Mercy & Bikini Ashe or we riot

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Somehow I imagine Moira with a long sleeved coat, a big hat, and sunglasses on the beach.

And kicking over sand castles for fun

that seems like Sombra & Reaper.
Moira probably just walks through them if they are in her way, but doesn’t go out of her way to do it.

Sombra bikini skin or we riot

Ooooh one of my favorite Etsy shops sells that as a keychain!!! I’ve been wanting it for ages but it’s always out of stock when I have some extra cash :sob:

moira wouldn’t go to the beach, proper gamers don’t go outside

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