Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her šŸ“

Wasting time is exactly what Iā€™m on the forums to do, honestly.

So no. I wonā€™t stop talking about it.


With Rez being up the enemy team would reasonably assume that its up and therefore would want to dive the Mercy. That makes this action a positioning outplay not ā€œHide nā€™ Rezā€.

However, with some peopleā€™s posts in the forums they take any time that Mercy isnā€™t ā€œin the fight with a beam on someoneā€ as hiding.

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Touche my friend touche


This is literally all you need to back up any argument that was placed against Mass Resurrect. Ana nade + Transcendence = 450HP healing for 4 seconds and the rest of the 6 seconds is 300HP. Enough to counter several Overwatch ultimates with the use of 1 ultimate. So any argument in place about Resurrect being the only thing countering multiple ultimateā€™s is completely false because Zenyatta can equally do the same thing except itā€™s in the heat of the moment.


It was on Ilios, IIRC. But the point was that your play-style was held up as text-book ā€œhide-and-rezā€ by the Mercy-hating crowd. And it was also the play-style that most people in other ranks demanded of Mercy players to use. (ā€œEeveeAā€™s the best, and she does it this way, so should you.ā€)

I played even more aggressively than that. (Probably part of the reason Iā€™ve been ranked so low - the main reason though being that I canā€™t really aim for :poop:, at least not on a computer screen)

You could still get more than one rez in thirty seconds if this was applied. whatā€™s wrong with the current one? seems to me you just want rez to be insanely powerful like it used to be.

Anyone else curious why this thread hasnā€™t been thrown into the black hole yet?


I am, especially since there are other threads that are still getting thrown into the mega-thread

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Mercyā€™s ult was used after the majority or all of the enemy teams ults were used. Then mercy came in and rezzed everybody leaving the enemy team with no ults and at a massive disadvantage. The enemy also likely wouldnā€™t be at full health because the rez was instant and some had to go into another fight at half health.
The difference with zens ult is it could be forced out if you focused him and then you could wait it out or you could use one dps ult to make him use it with your team still having their ults.

Forcing out Resurrect was very possible so I donā€™t get where that theme comes from? You kill an enemy you donā€™t even need to kill Mercy.

For the Mercy on the enemy team you either
A. Were forced to use Resurrect because you would be at a man disadvantage and bring them back will level the playing field.
B. Save Resurrect for a bigger ultimate fight, and risk fighting a 6v5.

You canā€™t force rez if you havenā€™t killed anyone. You can however force trans if you havenā€™t killed anyone.

I canā€™t decide if itā€™s because itā€™s EeveeA and masses of people will complain if the thread gets merged or if itā€™s preferential treatment due to OP being a celebrity.

Okā€¦ But all heroes are capable of doing enough damage to get a kill. So itā€™s not that difficult. You can use left click damage and abilities to secure a kill and force a Resurrect out without the need for ultimates. So yesā€¦ Very possible.

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Might be a combination of both as well as how PC blizz seem to be getting at least with OWL (if they are banning people over Trihard then what do you think would happen if they silenced a trans person)

NO offence to Eevee intended wit this non non sense I know itā€™s not her fault but at the same time itā€™s what blizz is doing

Youā€™d have to get a kill then pressure the mercy and HOPE she uses ult. Most wouldnā€™t unless it was the last team fight. Unlike zen who would definitely use it no matter if it was last fight or not.

Because forum mods apply double standards as they please.

Ah, btw, Iā€™m not saying I want this thread moved into the oblivion of Mercy Megathread. Iā€™m just making an observation


Why pressure Mercy? Your team would be at an advantage and all you have to do is keep pushing forward? If the Mercy was hiding who cares she isnā€™t healing meaning they would be playing a 6v4. Again donā€™t even need to use ultimates. Forcing her to either use it or play at a disadvantage.


The chances of winning a team fight without ults later on in the round is small. And you have to pressure mercy you knowā€¦ so she doesnā€™t rez her entire team?
You canā€™t make a mercy rez one person without pressuring her. Why would she rez ONE person with her ult if she wasnā€™t getting pressured.

What are you talking about?

If 1 person goes down on an enemy team whether that be a tank DPS or Support they are down some sort of Sustain/Healing/Damage.

The chances of winning a fight with Mercyā€™s current ā€œultimateā€ is small since it doesnā€™t do much. So yes ultimates are supposed to be impactful and be able to win a team fight.


What are you talking about? i responded to what you said about mass rez not current rez.