if we make enough of a stink about it, blizz will try to fix it. remember hanzo’s casual winter skin?
thats what i was saying earlier, we’re not asking them to delete the whole thing and start over, just do a little bip bop and change the color jeph
ya and this isnt even as intense as the hanzo skin that whole situation was a mess. all they’d have to do is change the color and thousands of people would be happy.
and i don’t want them to swap the color since i like the yellow for this one.
if they change the color i probably don’t even want it then because it would be too boring.
just let people change wing color for themselves jeeeff, i hate most of your mercy skins, they are dumb but this fairy one is pretty nice don’t let them change it or atleast make me able to change wing color for myself.
Its because it doesnt really suit it and it shows lazyness from blizzard. They could have finished the skin off properly by changing those too.
Is this just a case of spamming till you get what you want?
This would be so easy…i don’t see why so many people are being so rude to the ones asking for a change, if you just keep saying “YOUR OPINION IS INVALID BECAUSE ________” all you’re doing is introducing more people to an argument renegade here tryin act like they’re writing a new bible as to why the skin shouldnt change.
it does suit it, you’re just mad because it’s yellow like most of her wings.
I’m not mad. honestly I dont like the skin at all. It’s ugly AF. To me why do 90% of the work then just be like meh its done. Like they got bored at the end and just said screw it, its done.
I like the wings, ya’ll crazy
Fair enough. To each their own.
thats exactly why we’re mad…thats the whole point…of the argument…
Yellow isn’t the problem, yellow can look good. But the fact that they put no effort into making it slightly different is whats annoying. Look at witch and imp, the wings are textured different, witch’s colors are basically the same, but the jagged wings make it intricate and different. They could have introduced anything, a gradient, a texture, even a small amount of twinkle. But instead they went straight for plain, boring, solid yellow.
so you’re asking for more work on the wings? pretty sure they can add a mask for her wings to look more fairy like, but if they did that would you still complain about the yellow? i mean none of the changes you’re asking for is actually difficult you know. so it’s not really lazy either.
i’d have to agree with them here, anything could have made it better but they went just plain and simple. Normally there isnt a problem with going simple but the rest of the skin is a 110%, but the wings are like 30%…it just doesn’t match the concept behind "a beautiful pixie of the forest, with elegant hair, and dazzling clothing, but her wings are just…yellow."
It’s true, last year we complained about him having his gray beard and we got the change <3
They might as well have, just like what the guy under you is saying, why go all out on the entire skin but leave the most iconic part of mercy, her wings, normal? Anything will make me happy, and honestly I love the skin, but just like everyone else, it could do for a minor tweak.
Honestly, the yellow wouldn’t be bad if they made it like sheer, with some shiny fairy dust in it, you know, but now it;s just, plain bold yellow xD not fairy like at all
Yea! thats what i was saying a long while back, a bit of twinkle or some lines like Tinker Bell. The coolest part of faries are their wings and she got the most plain ones possible >-> I just wanted it to be mystical and magical like the rest of the skin
since you mentioned tinkerbell, it would be so cute if she sounded like a little bell when she walked or jumped or something