Stylosa - ow2 comp has no viability


He literally made a video called:

Overwatch 2 is the BIGGEST gaming disappointment of 2022


Also Stylosa :

“You should probably stop playing Hog if you got an Ana facing you”
Before the Ana buff and all the forum is about Hog being immortal.

Those creators contents are true prophets right.

Stylosa has been very double split about the game… he isnt just a suck up, nor is he a blind hater


He just likes playing Overwatch but notices things he finds as problem and wishes they are address and fears for the game’s future.


People were warned but the white knights said it was not so. ActiBlizz is so greedy and nearly removed the fun out of OW.

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It should have always been this way. Ive even argued this before myself when I played Overwatch competitively years ago. It doesn’t make sense that one team can have a diamond DPS and the other a diamond support. Even those aren’t one and the same.

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Stylosa has always spoken his mind about Overwatch no matter if it’s good or bad. He’s definitely the furthest thing from a Blizzard fanboy.

I’m still holding out for PvE to bring life back to the game though.


Going by just MMR is so absolutely braindead. I play a lot of dumb stuff in QP and Arcade. I’ll play heroes I suck with pretty regularly in QP, because they’re a load of fun. So the game is looking at my garbage Hanzo and attack-torb, and deciding that’s the skill level it should be matching me with in Comp?

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They only use your QP MMR as a baseline of where to set you initially. QP and Competitive MMR are two different values outside of that.

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The “concept” is that the math and programming is easy

I really hope the PvE is good and worth the wait

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I’m worried that pve is going to be a fest of microtransactions.

from skills behind a paywall, to heroes.


:pensive: I hope not

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I think it is funny that he is suggesting they should change this after they announced they are changing it.

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…Stylosa has openly criticized OW/Blizz for years now, what are you talking about…? :thinking:

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this game has been hot garbage since ow2 launched. the devs have dropped the ball over and over and the result is this dumpster fire of a game. a shell of its former self. i miss it but cant bring myself to play anymore. to put it simple… OVERWATCH 2 IS A TERRIBLE GAME



the game is fun when you get a good stretch of games

it happens, but it’s more and more rare

today was the worst day for quality games i have ever seen in ow2 so far


Well he’s become quite the naysayer lately, hasn’t he?

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Its always been like that though, since OW1. Quickplay and ranked will do that to teams. Its stupid, but even dumber that people would see that, and still defend the matchmaker and Activision/Blizzards casino tactics.

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