(Sty) OW2 having NO NEW DPS Heroes until 2024!

yea lol and she is pretty cool but i think they messed up since the beginning

you think they should have went 1 by 1 by 1… but they for some reason just kept on feeding dps heroes and made the stigma of dps is good because we think people will gravitate to it which of course is true since it does attract a large audience

if they have went 1 to 1 to 1 (new heroes tank/dps/support) from the beginning they would have promoted that their game is a balanced and catered to all audiences… their mistake

also they probably thought they could get away with it since open queue back in the day

On this we can agree. I think the absolutely insane amount of DPS compared to other roles in the game such as Support is crazy rn. Glad its being changed


There could still be a Damage hero in 2023 - we only know that 2 of the 3 heroes next year will be supports, and that the Season 2 hero will be a tank. That leaves one unknown hero in 2023 that could be either Tank or Damage.

What mechanic is commonly requested?

I’ve heard pleas for cleanse ability but they are not reffering to Kiriko, are they?

“Mercy style heroes” :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

People always cry because of mercy and most of the time its the DPS while benefitting more than any role by her existence lol


Happy for more Mercy style healers

Sometimes I just wanna chill and not worry about doing damage mid battle, I just wanna maximum focus on my positioning/reaction times/gamesense


“More mercy style heroes”

i have a feeling they will visit an old design concept art of theirs that was Rashi… she kind of looks like a mercy type healer. maybe she will be one of the new supports down the road?!?

h ttps://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Rashi

also another concept healer was Helio

h ttps://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Helio

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Ideas that come to mind:

Skillshot healing
summon pet
More cleanses
hitscan healing gun that you shoot allies with

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As long as the tanks are like JQ I guess. I liked playing as her in the beta.

This is one reason why the game doesn’t need anymore Mercy style heroes if the only thing their going to do is pocket 20% of the team

overwatch retained tank and support players?

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Mercy style means more “less aim” or “no damage” style than “pocket”. I think.

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Kiriko looks so cute in the thumbnail

So like Moira? The worst support in OW1 and OW2 awesome.

Yeah kind of just with less damage incentive I would assume. So the “pacifist” route so to speak.

Honestly, this is fine with me. Sure, I’m a little biased, since I’m a support player, but let’s just look at the release dates of the most recent heroes up to Kiriko:

Kiriko, Support: 2022
Junker Queen, Tank: 2022
Sojourn, Damage: 2022
Echo, Damage, 2020
Sigma, Tank: 2019
Baptiste, Support: 2019

The overall amount of Tank/Support:Damage released combined does favor the Tank/Support roles, sure, but the combined number of heroes in the Tank and Support role as is in OW1 is still less than the entire Damage roster. Obviously, OW2 has seen a shift around in the hero roster, with Doom now being a Tank. But up until OW2 comes out next month, the game has not seen a new Tank or Support since Sigma and Baptiste respectively all the way back in 2019, while the Damage role was still getting new additions, despite having the largest roster of heroes in the game. No, they shouldn’t just halt development of Damage heroes, but they should at least be on the back burner.

And in terms of the whole ‘Mercy style’ heroes, this phrasing is somewhat ambiguous. Is it ‘Mercy style’ in terms of ease of access, or having access to everything that role can do, but not being good at one thing in particular? Mercy is often, ironically, referred to as the Swiss army knife of the Support role: Her kit has it all - Mobility, healing, survivability, utility. But she’s not really good at any one thing. Her healing is consistent, but outclassed by others in terms of value. Her mobility is strong, but easily counterable. So, are these ‘Mercy style’ heroes going to be like this? A Tank who has access to decent CC, decent peel, decent front line capabilities, but overall is a weaker pick as they don’t have a primary purpose? Or are we gonna get a Damage hero with a lineant weapon and tracking abilities with safe mobility options? I’m not against the idea of having heroes that are made like Mercy, but that opinion could easily change, depending on which route they take. Having an easier hero to use is good, it let’s more people play the game and feel like they can get value, regardless of skill level, which Mercy excels at. But having a hero with a kit with lots of abilities expected of that role, but being weaker overall to compensate is a big no. Mercy herself already struggles with this problem, especially with that big rez button just sitting over there, menacingly staring at you. Because she can do so many things, having her be good at one thing can easily break her. And the last thing we need is another hero like that.

The matches in OW1 have full teams for the matches to start.
I know. It might be hard to process that, for you.

OW2 having NO NEW DPS Heroes until 2024!

Thank God.

obvious hyperbole is obvious of effin course there are still tank and support players, but it’s very clear by the queue time they aren’t that many.
They put crossplay, merged servers and worked on 1 tank 5v5 specifically to make matches faster to find (even their old 1-3-2 expermental their main takeaway was the shorter queue times).