(Sty) OW 2 Battle Pass Details LEAKED?! (a GoS req)

4CHAN LEAKS ALERT!!! - Could these be the full Overwatch 2 Battle Pass details?

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Battle Pass details may have leaked on 4chan

[A grain of salt is req, because this might be fake.]

Side topic in case you missed it: Hype Prediction Schedule (Updated and done proper)


Sounds reasonable. Assuming

  1. The grind to unlock Kiriko isn’t too long. Like maybe 3-6 hours.
  2. In the future if they stick with this, it would be a good idea to unlock heroes at the end of the season, or when the next hero is released. That way there’s only ever 1 hero to unlock before getting into Comp.
    • Rather than having new/returning players have to unlock a mountain of heroes.
    • Alternatively just have it where there’s only 1 hero unlock point in the Battle Pass, and it unlocks all the current/previous heroes.


Paying 40$ though if say you were in a coma or whatever and missed a season to grab a new hero…

Not appealing to new players. (Wondering if Blizz ever wanted new players.)

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You mean $10.

And that’s kinda what I’m saying on point #2

The “free grind” barrier to entry shouldn’t be too massive for new/returning players in future seasons.


Looks to be in line with everything that’s come out the past couple weeks. If this leak came out last year I would have said no way.

The only good I see coming out of this is heavily cutting down smurfs/alts.

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What if you miss 10 heroes then?

Is that 100 bucks?

Thinking about PvE or OW3.

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Try going back and reading point #2 on my first post

I don’t see them doing #2, though I am comparing this to Destiny.

It literally says 15 hours to unlock kiriko in the leak

And it is not reasonable in the slightest. Locking your competitive players from playing comp for 1/4 of the season every season will kill this game.

It will either drive all those players to other games or into quickplay. Quickplay will be filled with comp players waiting for their 2 week suspension to end. Quickplay games will become sweaty and more toxic as all the comp players who havent left flood to it

Theres a reason we have different game modes, because people want different things from the game. Mixing those people is asking for hell


Well that’s probably too long, if it’s blocking Comp.

Like 8 hours would be my theoretical maximum tolerable number.

But it really should be closer to 3-5 hours.

Since most players should be able to grind out the new hero in a single weekend.

Blocking comp for any amount of time CANNOT and SHOULD NOT happen.

We used to have 3-5 day off seasons and those were entirely removed because during those off seasons the game became nigh unplayable. Comp players had nothing to play so left or invaded quickplay and ruined games there. You keep people in their own camps so they dont ruin each others experiences

Stopping people from playing the mode they want to play and forcing them
into another for any reason is asking for trouble. Thats how you get comp playera running into arcade and making it sweaty

Okay, so it seems like it is a similar system to the weekly epic skin event, just with a more modified times and items. I guess that is what they were testing when they changed it.

The concern is whether or not there is a delay release to competitive access to prevent a time advantage in competitive, and how to deal with the late or new players who join competitive in the future.

Would later players have automatic access or not to heroes or do they still have to purchase or grind to unlock them? Based on the devs vague comments it sounds like in the future they will still have to unlock the newer heroes. This then creates the worry, what if that new player joins competitive on my team and he’s missing a couple heroes? This will create a toxic environment and perhaps create a struggle with ranking up.

Edit: So, the leak shows that you need every hero unlocked. I hope that isn’t too rough down the line.

Imaging paying the battlepass will be harder in other countries too.

Oh, but it gets even better!

If the 4chan leak is accurate (huuuuge pinch of salt here), and it’s all heroes and not just all heroes for the selected role, then QP will be constantly full of players that aren’t there to play but to achieve whatever dumb objective is necessary to unlock heroes.

It’ll be everything flex queue ended up being (DPS players queueing for tickets to play what they actually want to play), but cranked up to 11. “Sorry I’m not healing this game, just here to unlock the support hero.”

It’s like they looked at golden guns and priority pass tickets and said “how can we amplify the mistakes of those decisions?”


I do enjoy quick play and try to take matches serious most of the time so if that occurs it would be bad but at least we technically don’t lose anything. A lot of players are already trolling and with this their incentive would now be to win to unlock faster. I don’t think it’s as bad as players in competitive who say “I’m only here for the gold gun”.

Honestly, I like it. Let’s face it, Blizz has to charge for something if fans want new content. This maintains competitive integrity in comp (all heroes available), is a HUGE barrier to smurfs, and offers a pass that pays for itself if you play enough. Im all in

I don’t fully like this change, but if true, it sounds like it’ll cut down on alt accounts a lot.

Rn you just buy a freshie, level it to 25, and you’ve got an account you can play on whenever you want. Or you just pay $1 more and get a pre-levelled account. Obviously sms protect won’t weed everyone out in f2p, but now every season/hero release you have to either pay or grind a bunch of qp games, for EVERY single account you want to maintain? Sure some people will do it for all 5 of their alts but I bet it’ll be a lot less than now.


interesting and yea its probably is true. most of these leaks end up being legit and yea you have your fakes like that white haired blue/red eyed fox support but most of them end up being true. maybe the leaked cinematic will be changed or there is a very small chance its fake (doubt it since quality)

i never grinded in a battle pass system but it looks like its meant for hardcore overwatch players. my hours on this game have dropped somewhat and i wonder if i will have what it takes to get 80 levels in any battlepass system lol…

i guess ill find out if i like it or not, dont know how many hours i average in a 9 week period…

The leak says more like 12-15 hours to unlock Kiriko.

The main positive thing for broke players that play Overwatch only and who counted on the F2P version of Overwatch to get content for free, is that they only need to invest 10 dollars once and play 60 hours of Overwatch each season to get their 10 bucks worth of coins back.

I played many Apex seasons with that BP system until I got scammed at the very end of a season when they changed the end of a season to an earlier date and I didn’t get my coins back :pensive:…

I guess people will have to be careful with that. Blizzard may also switch the ending of a Competitive season as it pleases them in the future.

So I thought up a bizaro version of this

  • Quickplay, all heroes are unlocked by default
  • Competitive, is locked in the Battle Pass

That way, low hours players get all the fun toys, but high hours players gotta grind. But the high hours players get to grind with the fun toys.