Stuck in the ground on Hollywood unable to choose a hero

Me and another player (Kject) both got put into a game on hollywood. I was stuck in the ground unable to choose a hero and they said they were in the same situation. Then we heard fighting, kject said they were being kicked for inactivity and then my timer started and i too was kicked for inactivity

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This has happened to me and it’s ridiculous because you get penalized if you leave the game but you have literally no other option other than to leave. With this bug + the disconnects, people are being considered as purposely abandoning games and penalized for it.

Exact same thing happened to me on New Junk City map, loaded on backfill wasnt allowed to select a character and then got kicked for inactivty and warned my endorsment level is being penalised and wasnt allowed to queue for 2 mins.

Managed to use capture to record the last 30 seconds of it but seems unfair we get punished for a bug T_T

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This happened to me as well during comp on the Samoa map. I got disconnected for inactivity because i couldnt pick a hero…and then of course, put in ‘time out’ for leaving. smh