Stuck in Master, NOT my fault

Every game is like this. 2CP BEING LOST IN A MINUTE FLAT, team saving ults for no reason etc.


how does everyone else get out of masters then?

are you the only unlucky one with bad teammates???

Thats amazing!


If you play enough games you will get to GM if you deserve it.


Video is taking FOREVER to load for me, but of the 8 minutes I’ve watched. Switch off doom maybe? LIKE ONCE? Twice I saw you punch ball away from your team after he used shield. You get a pick but 3 of your teammates are dead that pick means nothing. Wasting CDs tbh my doom is trash and other than your roll out no clue how your masters.


Also, Lucio Mercy would’ve been a better play to support your half dive comp.


If you deserve higher rank, you’ll climb there.
It’s def your own fault if you cant maintain your rank and that just means that the rank system is working as intended aswell…

Doing the blame game for just 1 map mode aint gonna get you there regardless if you like it or not.

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Then how did the other team win? I hate to be that guy but the common occurrence here seems to be you always on the losing team.

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Swap off? To what do you suggest? I was literally the only person on my team doing anything. We wouldn’t have even taken first point if it weren’t for me. Not much I can do though if my whole team dies in one second.

A player is in the second highest rank in the game, and is asking ‘What hero should I be?!’.

I mean…Wow. Troll thread I guess?


Let’s play the “how many mistakes can he make in a minute” game

1:41 - Other team pressuring your team from mega
1:44 - Tracer removes you from fight for free while enemy Ana hits a fat bio-nade and Ball is allowed to push for free now that McCree is dead
1:50 - Ball goes on your Ana while you run away from the Tracer after missing most of your abilities and getting no value
1:53 - Rather than make any attempt to keep Ana alive (not to mention get healing, as Lucio died earlier) you re-engage the Tracer and blow both of your cooldowns, yet again, for 0 value.
1:58 - “I need healing” Except you let both your healers die already. Unfortunate.
2:12 - You stand completely still, take damage you don’t need to, and spam “I need healing” while out of LoS of both your healers.
2:25 - You use all of your abilities on Ball despite no chance of securing a kill on him.
2:30 - You don’t punch away from pulse bomb even though you’re literally already holding punch.
2:58 - Literally walked into a mine

Stop worrying about your teammates holding you back when you’ve got PLENTY to work on yourself. You’re fooling yourself if you feel like you’re playing perfectly while everyone else is throwing.


i watched like 30 seconds till 02:30 where you literally charge your M2 right next to a hog who just got stickied instead of disengaging. Your movement in general feels reeeeeally slow, you should turn 180° and E back within half a second, not chill up there for a second. Heck, not even half a second, you do that instantly. Idk but in low - mid master games this is a death sentence to me.

always ur team Kapp.

But let me go deeper into this (I’m a doomfist Main myself who peaked 3.7 so I’m probably not the best source to get your informations from) however, I’ll still try for whoever is interested :man_shrugging:

01:00 - first mistake, turn ingame music down ._. (joking but really can’t understand how anyone can play with these)

01:40 - I would’ve just shot that tracer since she clearly sees you. If it was too late and you didn’t expect her to see your rocket punch, at least get up to your ana and help her with that ball, you can try and hide upstairs to wait for your abilities to come back up.

02:30 - let’s agree that we won’t talk about this

02:50 - missed the punch on the winston, had no abilities left and missed the 2nd punch on the hammond. You literally got negative value with your M2 this fight.
Also … why would you move forward into the miney instead of walking left and trying to attack from there ? Might aswell wait for your M2 to come back up.

03:10 - not that you couldve carried with touching there but … bruh
you saw that bomb, shift + E wouldve done the deal aswell. But yeah, wouldnt have made much a big difference either way.

05:10 - the moment i would see a mercy boosted cree, I would honestly just use my M2 to disengage back to my team. Overall just an unlucky play if you thought your team was right next to you. Lack of awarness about whats happening around you, you were kind of alone there + LoS’d your healer who were upstairs.

06:10 - she stickied your monkey, chances are very high that she will recall, you should try and punch her out of that and not right into the monkey. monkaW dude, you almost died.

06:16 - bruh … stop missing punches D:

06:43 - You shouldve ulted abit more towards the building, rather let ana LoS your ult outside, on the bridge than inside where she just LoS’es everyone. Also, that miss of abilities there, I wouldve slapped myself for not getting the kill. You couldve killed her twice there. Missed every shot and your uppercut (which can happen sometimes) but missing the shots plus the punch is unforgivable.

07:50 - when you are obviously already confused about anything that happens and can’t locate a target, just cancel the punch and get an overview. I see you always punching, no matter what. It’s like you dont expect to get punished if you never hit your target. You missed literally every single abilities and genji could do whatever he wants to kill you …

08:18 - how did you ever think you gonna hit something with that E ? Dude, you literally ask for getting punished for missing your abilities.

08:38 - stay with your team, your entire team was there … help them instead of going for the healthpack when your healer is literally infront of you & you being 70% hp :x

09:05 - Can’t blame you so much on that one but IMO it was pretty obvious that she’s gonny blink, just charge longer and 180° her! Like she was a meter infront of you, LOOKING at your character & animations, what would you have done ? Stood there as tracer ? I doubt it.

10:00 - 11:00 - you got ult … when you notice their widow being completly uncontested and destroying your team, ask some1 to call her out or check where she is (with the risk of dying of course) once located, use your entire kit to get to her & kill her. You got ult for that.

11:15 - wait abit with your ult till CD’s come back up and get the widow with it. Killing widow with meteor strike is one of the easiest things tho

11:25 - you literally wasted M2 + E for no reason whatsoever. You’re left with no abilities again, against an ana you could’ve picked

11:40 - you left yourself infront of their spawn without an ability ready. You couldve killed that winston with your shotgun only and finish the genji with your punch - or disengage back to your team.

Now i don’t think that this game was winable, their DPS just seem to be so much better but saying you’re stuck because of your teammates is just wrong. You played at least as bad as them.

Had some time to watch. So i can give you a small vod review:
Looking at your setup, your mccree was the flex dps(role) and would have been dealing with people attacking your backline, and you should have been harassing their backline, making it hard/impossible for the enemy tanks to push forward).

Also you show your self ( a very easy to counter hero) to the enemy before the game starts.

Because you were to busy dealing with the tracer(very hard for doomfist, if you can’t get the drop on tracer and kill her instantly) your team gets overrun.
Your mccree now swaps to tracer. So your role now changed.
Also you know by now the enemy setup: no shield heavy, low mobile, low on range setup. So all the reasons why doom is strong they didnt have instead they have heroes that counter or ignore you…
So you should have swapped at this point… but you didnt.

Looking at the rest. you still didnt swap.
You are only effective against their tanks(and mostly only go for them) from time to time, but most of the time not enough to kill them or they got rezzed. Kills on their dps are more lucky then that you went for them or protected your team against them. Their is none or almost none pressure on the enemy healers. Your main target(ana) you fail to kill.
In master or higher, their should almost all the time, during group fights, be some form of pressure on all 6 enemy players. Except the only pressure i see of your team(and you) is on their tanks. Their healers can heal almost freely.
Pressure on the enemy dps is rather good, i see their dps dying from time to time, but mostly because of the other players in your team… So i think it is weird your blame your team, since it is kind of obvious you are failing badly.

And this was on game sense only. Not looking at mechanical skill mistakes.

Next time, try to have a plan.
What is your job?
What is your main target?
Find the way to win, what is the winning factor?
When you choose and see your setup, you already should have halve of a plan.
When you know the enemy team you should have 90% of a plan.
And one minute into the game(a master player) should know:

  • what is your team weakness(or weak player)
  • what is the enemy team weakness(weak player) and can you exploit that?
  • what is your team strong point/player and can you assist it?
  • what is the enemy team strong player(s) and does your team need your help to stop him?

*Like their ana was very strong with good nades = main target.
*they were heavy dive, so bad against cc. Bu dive also means your backline need more protection. Or you need to kill their players before you will miss the healers you will loose.
*their tracer was pretty weak and made lots of technical mistakes and did not dive with the rest of them, you could have exploited this.

I’m stuck in the top 3% of the OW community instead of the top 1%. WOE IS ME!


How is being in masters a bad thing? Isn’t masters like only 3% of the player base? Lol. You guys are never satisfied.

why your game sounds like i have 3rd ear, that’s annoying…


Idk why you think Masters is a bad thing. I spent a year in Diamond before I hit Masters and I wasn’t ever expecting to get it tbh.

Don’t stress about it too much. You’re already a super high rank, GM will come eventually but don’t try to force it

There’s a reason why you’re stuck in masters as opposed to gold. You no longer outskill your opponents.

Yeah because they’re on 144hz. It would be so easy to get out of Master with 144hz, good keyboard etc.

I wish I had the OP’s problems.

I’m stuck in plat, want to trade ranks?

I play on 60hz on a laptop with 80 fps max and im gm, so hardware is not really the issue is it