Stuck in loading screen, weird

Sometimes I get stuck in the loading screen, he finds match and it is loading it, but I can be stuck in the loading screen. Pingplotter looked normal
Can’t pick a hero and if I’m unlucky I get kicked out the match for inactivity

The weird part: The ping spikes to 220+
First it was mentioned that it could be my SSD, but this loading problem is exclusive to OW.
Second: Sometimes he finds a match after 30seconds, but then doesn’t proceed to the loading screen and kicks me back in the queue, the timer was and is still running in the meantime
From my observation it is pretty much focused on the 30second mark
Third: If I enter practice range during queue time, pick a hero and stay in the practice range till he finds a match, I don’t get the “stuck in loading screen”
Get the spike to 220 ping for a brief moment, but I join the game effortless

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Playstation player here. Been having connection issues all morning just as you’ve described. I’m now banned for 8 hours because I got DCd the last match and couldn’t log back in fast enough to rejoin.

My internet is fine otherwise, I’m streaming Twitch and I WFH as I normally do and there are no problems with my network outside of OW’s servers.

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is it on dorado/oasis?

Same problem, happend only after latest update. Seems like it happens only on certain maps

I gave the solution and it is weird:
I have the drives:
Main M.2 (windows)
old HDD
SSD (Overwatch)

The old HDD started to have problems and for some reason this caused issues in the Overwatch loading screen, despite Overwatch not being on the HDD and instead on the SSD
The problem was gone after I removed the old HDD

Not too weird, performance on your machine is heavily affected by your slowest/worst-performing drive. That’s why every drive needs 15% free space, even if they are just storage.

Thanks for posting this :slight_smile:

The weirdest part is that it only affected OW and only in the moment I joined a match.
Everything else, even BG3, ran perfectly normal

Every drive had more than 15% free, btw.

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