Stuck in bronze (genji)

This is all extremely great advice and I appreciate you all taking the time to write all these advice. Also if you guys know any good Genji workshops for his aim or ghost dashing, that would be great.

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Genji has a shotgun now. He is basically reaper with wallclimb and dragonblade.

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what do you mean by shotgun

His right click is basically Reaper’s shotgun.

If you have half decent aim I’d suggest playing bastion. People down there have no idea how to counter him. Also I’ve seen a torb torrent take out a group of 6 by itself.

People are down there for a reason and most of it is due to hardware limitations, little Billy that is 8, or people who never play games.

If you stuck the youre suck. Be a troll stuck is no more an issue.

Dont play genji. Genji is one of the hardest heroes to learn. Play something easier, like mei or soldier.

What kind of twisted logic is this? So because Genji is hard to laern, he should not even try to learn him? That is nonsense.

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There is a reason why theyre bronze. They are playing one of the hardest character in OW.

I gave them examples of heroes that may help them go up in SR

Playing harder hero is not the reason why he is bronze. There is plenty of Mercy players stuck in bronze and she is most easy hero probably. It is not about the hero choice.

Why dont you just go ask him for replay code and review his game instead of giving him bs tips like “dont play genji”?


LMAO, you obviously havent played mercy

Its not BS. they probably fair better playing something less mechanically demanding

Geez, is this what seeking advice on the forums has come to—dozens of conflicting opinions? Players can climb by flexing or one-tricking, so that advice isn’t helpful.

OP, there is one good way to get feedback—post a replay code and read the patch notes.

I Played her enough to know what I am talking about.

Yes it is bs, you are trying to judge his skill without watching his gameplay. I have seen plenty of mechanicaly good players in low ranks. If he likes to play genji, he just have to learn to play him better, thats all. If he post replay code, I am sure that some others will gladly help him.


How about you post a mercy gameplay so i can see how you play her.

What for? I dont need coaching.


Ok. And?
Im just intrigued cause you have the t500 icon, but a private profile.
You probably got it from Lucioball or some other gamemode that isnt as skill based

So what? You’re Diamond on console… Nobody cares…


Why are we suddendly talking about rank? How is it related lol.

What is that you are trying to say anyway? Please dont tell me you think that Mercy is mechanicaly hard hero.

EDIT: And btw my top500 icon is from Free for all comp deathmatch where I did climb with McCree from 2800 to 3190. I mainly use it as profile icon to troll people like you :), people who have hard time to accept someone has that icon.


Genji heaven, 77A2V. Add 6 hard Ana’s on the enemy team and 2 on yours. Once spawned activate the red ring and blue ring.

The other is mini dash arena TPGZ1

Genji heaven is good to practice and warm up nanoblade on.


Oh please. FFA isnt exactly hard to win at. Just get top 4th