Stuck in Bronze 5 after season 4 update

is there anything we can do? i’ve had above 60% win rate and each time i’m ranked i get bronze 5 at 71% ranked in division. i have great stats and a high win percentage so idk what i should do

this happened on both tank and support.


Nope Dev / Server side we just wait until really " Fixed " You could go on blizzards twitter.


I just tried on my DPS. It’s also stuck on b5 71%. Game is unplayable now. :frowning: I think it was b2 last season.


Also stuck at b5 71% regardless of win-lose record. Last season I peaked at bronze 3. IF anyone has gotten out of the b5 71%, with maybe a huge win streak or something, let us know – give us hope.


The exact same thing is happening for me too:(


It is most definitely not working as intended- thousands of players are posting on this forum with the same ranking: Bronze 5, 71% higher than players in division. Even if we are all truly B5, there is no way we’re all stuck at the same 71% rank. This would mean SR is not being adjusted by even a singular point after a 5-0, 5-1, 5-2 run (impossible).


Someone said they got I think 74% after 20-0. I quit this season. Forget that! B5 is a nightmare.


Guys, please take the time to include screenshot evidence. Put it on your twitter. Add it to this thread.

From what I seen I think this is a bug. Every one keeps getting stuck at 71% or around that. Other threads when I asked for screenshots it also got stuck at that number.

Post your W/L ratio as well too for Season 4. Let’s try to make Blizzard aware.


Same just happened to me went 5-1 on my support.


I did 5-2, 5-0, and then 5-0 and got the same rank you show there. It’s a bug and I’m done with this season. Blizz needs to make sure their stuff works.


Same here, was put straight to b5 at the start of this season and did not rank up.
Going 5-0, 5-2, 5-1… I think after 30 matches or so the needle finally started to move.

I am at b1 now and my current suspicion is that whatever “fix” they did to people’s MMR/SR this season put quite a lot of players into negative numbers and that pit you 1st have to dig yourself out of :skull_and_crossbones:

Perhaps the devs wanted to give of that “Dark Knight Rises” feeling, but come on…


Thank you! You have giving me hope back to the grind!


Just to say that the exact same is happening to me. 3 reranks, last 5 wins and 1 defeat and nothing changed. Bronze 5, 71% higher than players in this division.


I came here to voice my own experience with this. I was playing with a friend who was really bad and we hit bottom of the barrel. I stopped playing with them and began to climb out. Nothing but positive records of 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 and 5-4. B5 with it telling me something about 71% of folks. However, I can say the overall lobby rating has been increasing. Used to always be B5 now it’s B3 and B2.

Edit: Someone said they started seeing results after 30 games. I have 55 wins. 11 rank up/down opportunities and only one of them was negative at 5-7. If you was throwing really hard at the end of season 3 like I was maybe it’s a lot worse.

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It would also mean that the chances of every single person actually being in the 71st percentile minuscule because the Overwatch player base is simply not that big. We cant all be the exact same skill level.


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Bronze 5 Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

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I quit over it. Deranked me with a high win rate and then won’t let me out of b5 71%. Fix your game and I’ll come back next season. This season was ruined for my friend and me.


Hi guys,
If you’re experiencing a bug with your rank being stuck in bronze 5 (while winning majority of the games) you may want to try the following to narrow down the issue.

Request your account data from blizzard, short guide in:

Data is in html file so can be opened with a browser.
Then, In your data check table called “Player Ranked Match History” (search with ctrl+f). You may find several matches with value “INVALID” in column “Leaderboard Region” (and a lot of other data missing in those lines).

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To me it looks like there are more levels below Bronze 5. Bronze 5 is all way see. If anything it’s not very transparent as to why I am stuck. I think if you win 5 out of 7 games and not move up then you must be in a level below Bronze 5. If there’s more levels below Bronze 5 why not share this?

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I think the more likely scenario is that your rank is unable to adjust to any other rank besides Bronze 5. What makes you think there are more levels beyond Bronze 5? Can you share what your competitive rank data chart looks like? If there really is evidence of ranks existing below Bronze 5, then that would be absolutely massive news and the Devs absolutely need to address this hidden change.