Streamers need to get organized

If they want short queue times they have to stream their DPS games, and tank for other people’s streams.

Or start sharing their profit with the tank players, so they can always have one on hand to join up with.

Then they can have low queue times.

But this I just want to dps, and NOT do any tanking for other peoples streams isn’t going to work for them.

They can solve their own problem here.


Grouping up fixes absolutely nothing. My q times are worse when grouped with a tank or support player. Worse. They are just going to leave when it gets too bad, rightfully so.


My queue times are longer when I group with people though.

There are DPS streamers? Ive literally only watched Tank and Support streamers.


When your queue times are in the hours it improves things.

I don’t really think anyone is going to be convinced to Q with others. I’d rather the streamers move on than be forced to try and Q with others to possibly alleviate it. Pretty sure Drowsckab is GM. His times are worse with a partner, so…

And no streamer is going to pay someone to play with them lol

Screw that. Streamers shouldn’t have to share their profits just because the OW dev team sucks at their job. Hell, no one should have to be forced to group up just to have shorter queue times, which, by the way, doesn’t even work.


Weird, I’ve seen others that claim opposite… Perhaps the could allow you to queue for more than one role at once >_>

Oh god, the absolute state.

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Yeah… there’s no way that’s going to happen. These players already put in a massive amount of time, now you want to them to support each other on top of it – when they literally don’t have to do that in any other game ever? Absurd suggestion to me.

I think the absurd part is “sharing profits…” No pro gamer is going to pay someone to play with them.

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Then they stop making money as an overwatch streamer.

They could agree to tank for each other’s games.

Then they will move onto something that actually makes them money. They are losing money with 222 already. They wont volunteer to lose more.


Possible, if Blizzard doesn’t get their stuff together. That only hurts the game overall moving forward though – so I don’t know why people would want that other than ignorance. :man_shrugging:

your queue times are long because you’re selfish and like to play only 1/3 of the game, tick all boxes before queuing and you’ll have instant games

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Over 900 of my 1500 hours are tank and support. Im done playing nice for the rest of you when you didnt care about my playstyle. Sorry, not sorry, I’m not tanking for anyone ever again, nor supporting for strangers.


It is not selfish to queue as DPS. What is this nonsense that gets repeated ad nauseum? The only person a DPS is putting out when they queue as a DPS is themselves.

The problem isn’t the DPS being selfish. It’s simply that there is more dps players than can be met with only 2 dps slots.

It was only selfish not to flex in the old system because your refusal to learn had a negative impact on the other members of your team. This isn’t the case any longer, so it’s not selfish to play DPS.

There is nothing INHERENTLY selfish about playing dps.


it definitely is, Overwatch is a game where teamwork is the most important part, if all you care about is playing as one role instead of working together as a team to achieve an objective, then you obviously don’t care, proof of this:

if this system will pluck players like this away then it’s doing an amazing job

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Until all of the people that were flex players just leave. All of you pro 222 players bet on more tank/support mains coming back than those of us that would quit. You just lost that bet and instead of dealing with the consequences you opt to crap on DPS players because what we told you was going to happen, happened.

I agree. There IS something selfish about then asking for the system to get reverted to preroleQ

But queueing for dps and accepting the queue times? Nothing wrong with it.