(strawpoll) How fast/slow should Sombra's Hack cast time be and why?


just ignore the “(miliseconds)”. my mistake.

i’ve seen some people talk about this for a while now since the 0.65 cast time buff, and i’ve seen people talk about how it’s too fast or not what she needs.

so how would you like it?

how fast/slow should the cast time be, and why?

i wonder what everyone is thinking now that we’re talking more about buffing/reworking sombra.

please vote, and feel free to discuss.

edit: a little more specific

It doesn’t need to be faster. I just don’t want it to get interrupted from a stray Dva bullet from across the map. :upside_down_face:


To be fair, that’s D.VAs only use now. And she can finish some of her hacks while breaking LOS so it’s a fair tradeoff.


i mean to ask how fast or slow people want the cast time to be, not how much faster

incase that’s what you thought i was asking

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Sombra should be deleted. She has no place in this game.


why give up on her when she could easily be saved?

She doesn’t deserve to be saved. EMP is a stupid ult and hack is a horrible ability. A character that can remove other people’s abilities has no business being in this game.


Milliseconds??? 0.8 is the highest for milliseconds? This is stupid. That’s like a sleepdart cast time. Shorter even. For a non skillshot on an 8 second cool down… No. Nonononono

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i included it cuz it was her launch cast time

No it’s not. It was 0.8 seconds.


i see the problem

I mean, a trash hero is making another trash hero’s ability even more jarring to use. It’s a lose-lose. :no_mouth:

Oh. Well, 7 seconds is alright tbh. Otherwise, it would just be annoying to deal with.

That .1 damage isn’t exactly an issue considering that Sombra has so many tools to position herself.

It shouldn’t be a cast time at all.

Hack should be a small short range projectile that Sombra has to throw and stick to someone.

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I don’t think she can be saved, emp is either stupidly overpowered or insanely underpowered, no in between. Can argue that over hack too.

The previous speed was perfect imo

People could react to it, and Sombra could just try and recast it if a random Moira orb/D.VA bullet hit her.

Now? Its way too powerful and her kit has taken a hit because of it. And now shes garbo :confused:

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Thats not true. Her hack is very overrated. Sombra is still very EMP centric because her hack cant carry her through the mid fight.

Thats why you got such insane stats like in OWL where she won 70% of teamfights with EMP but still had an overall negative match winrate. Because her mid-fight sucks and hack takes up the vast majority of her value outside of using EMP.

People shouldnt reliably be able to react to hack. That just makes the ability build to fail. Her current casttime is fine. Still slow enough to punish her if the Sombra does no set up or tries to brute force it.

If you look at the patch which nerfed her, the biggest hit took EMP.
And thats part of why you currently feel very hopeless playing her.


When I gave that example, I was more or less talking about during a fight. Unless I have EMP, it is quite hard to hack enemies. This gets even harder as you play in higher ranks because the hack sound is so loud, most people just do 180 spins and start shooting. All in all, there should be a certain amount of damage inflicted before it actually gets interrupted rather than just getting interrupted by stray bullets.

So, like how Tracer’s Ult works?

That sounds… awful.

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