I’ve been getting a weird bug in a lot of my matches lately where players who queue up as “healer” spend 90% of the match doing incredibly mediocre dps instead of healing. I’m not sure if it’s an issue with the queuing system itself (perhaps they’re queuing DPS and are being forced onto healer positions against their will), or maybe a graphical UI error thats displaying that they’re a “damage” character on their screen thus confusing them.
I’m not sure why, exactly, but it seems to disproportionately effect Lucio’s, Zenyatta’s and Ana’s the most. I suspect it may be a error in the coding or perhaps even a virus that functions similarly to the ophiocordyceps unilateralis (or “zombie”) fungus that infects the healing characters brain and causes them to run face first into enemy teams to explode to spread their spores and propagate because there seems to be more and more of them every day.
Its mostly contained to QP for the time being, though I have seen a few of the “infected” in comp as well and I genuinely fear it may spread if not promptly quarantined and properly managed. If a digitized fungus IS the culprit, this should not be taken lightly as it’s spreading may have serious repercussions in the long term mental and physical health of the Tanks and DPS players queuing alongside them.