Storm Arrow and FTH are really not good for the game

So for the sake of discussion, then how about a 2 second cooldown on Fan The Hammer.

Which should be enough for a Tank to mostly get out of Range.
But not substantially different from Fan the Hammer, Reload, Fan the Hammer.

If they add a cool-down to FTH they’ll likely add a compensation buff. Consider that.

I don’t think FtH needs a cooldown…

If McCree is allowed to spam FtH that much then the enemy team is doing something wrong

On a 2 second cooldown it will be useless. It will be eaten by defense matrix every time

Because otherwise McCree might lose some pickrate?

I mean, he is. Any of those heroes will absolutely murder McCree at close range if he whiffs the combo.

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If that’s the case, then what’s the point of protecting the capability to Flash+Fan+Roll+Fan?

To threaten tanks? I’m not sure why you think it’s unreasonable for a short-to-medium range character burning all of his cooldowns in order to kill a single tank to actually be able to do so.

As pretty much any tank other than Ball, I can easily survive that as long as I have one or two important cooldowns (or a barrier in Rein’s case).

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Because I think it’s more important to have more Tank players.

And I find it kinda bizarre that people act like fixing Queue Times isn’t the #1 most important problem this game needs to solve ASAP.

As if McCree avoiding going lower than the #5 most picked DPS in GM, is somehow more important.


Both are abilities based around pressure…

Storm arrows got a long cool down and is overall harder to aim with like his normal arrows and fth get you stuck in the animation while also having recoil.

It’s not that the abilities are “unhealthy” is that the heroes are either unbalanced currently or don’t have enough counters.

For Mccree he mostly needs longer reload or even touching his fall off on the secondary to be fine in that way… Any long range hero can easily avoid the ability but most pokers currently are bad in term of meta and balance so he has much more potential.

For Hanzo it’s a lot on countering. He’s weak to dive but the problem with the ability is that it’s good on shields which are most of the game. Try going against Hanzo with a dive team and watch how he struggles.
and against poke he doesn’t have the range.
It’s only brawl that makes him so strong and shields being such a popular pick…

Overall both heroes give more than enough chance of countering with
both being weak to range and have limited duration on the ability.

The game just needs more heroes like Hammond or that are better against stuff like storm arrows
and more ranged tanks like Orisa or Zarya that are good on fan the hammer.

Either way, both of the abilities are fine as they only punish close-medium range slow play.

Mobility and range both avoid these 2.

Not to mention support can do better as well…
They indeed provide some useful utilities especially against fan the hammer but it can be nice seeing more stuff against abilities like these.

Because he might lose some win-rate and he’s already at 49%.

You like to argue based off of what you want Blizzard to do, and that’d matter if you were on the balance team. I’m arguing based off of what we’ve SEEN Blizzard do… what they tend to do.

Which is why the haters are screaming for them to NOT compensation buff him.


There is no need for personal attacks.

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If literally all you wanted to do was fix queue times, you’d support getting rid of Role Queue or doing a 1/3/2 comp. You want neither of those things because you think the problems they introduce is worse than the problem they fix (queue times).

It’s the same with megabuffing tanks or meganerfing everything that can threaten them. The problem that introduces is much worse than the problem you’re fixing. If every match devolves into “which tank can kill the other one first”, why play the game at all if you don’t tank?


As if 1-3-2 Tanks wouldn’t need even more buffs than fixing queue times with Tank buffs for 2-2-2.

You say it like it’s avoidable that Tanks are going to need buffs.

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Tanks aren’t going to get buffs, at least not of anything near the significance you’re calling for. We’ll probably see minor adjustments over the next year up and down as normal, and when OW2 drops they’re going to get reworked (not buffed).

The tank role’s problem has always been a synergy problem, not a power problem. That’s what needs to get fixed, and there’s no way that’s going to get fixed until OW2 because it’s going to require pretty significant rebalancing to every hero.

I mean, sure, but the alternative there isn’t buffs, but nerfs to the things that are getting in the way of Tanks.

i.e. Ranged Bodyshot AntiTank heroes
Or stuff like Mei/Bap/Brig suppressing Winston/ usage.
Or as highlighted above, either less effectiveness on debuffs or more counters to them, besides a big blue rectangle.

Which I would still call “Indirect Buffs”.

I’m fine with McCree having a close-range stun, on a hero with no mobility and defence, this makes sense. Stun-and-burst though? That’s not a good combo.

Same kind of issue with Storm Arrow, it’s just a “lemme make aim a little easier for the mo”.

There’s lots of things in Overwatch that really shouldn’t be there. Cough Widowmaker Cough.

I wouldn’t hate storm arrow if he was forced to stand his ground and it was autofire instead of select fire. That gives it a downside to use. Right now it’s just primary fire 2.0

Alternately, he can’t move while SA is active but can select fire. Or he CAN move but SA is autofire like FTH.

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Scatter was cheesy and annoying… Here, let me one-shot you with an arrow to the toe…

When I’m playing Sigma, only 2 heroes scare me. It’s not Mccree or Hanzo.

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