Storm Arrow and FTH are really not good for the game

These 2 abilities hold many heroes hostage and generally make tanking a god awful experience.


Ah just a little fix was needed


i like playing Mccree but i completely agree. the amount of dmg that come from these abilities in such a short amount of time is ridiculous.


Is funny how Mc Cree can do with just 6 bullets more damage (300 damage) than 2 bodyshot (40 pellets=240 damage) from a Reaper :eyes::gun::cowboy_hat_face:


yes we must buff the edgy boi.


As someone who plays tanks often I have no issue with either of these abilities.


Meh, players are always bothered by abilities that kill them fast. Even when the damage was at 45 and considered useless and he was out of meta, if you used it, people still got salty and exclaimed why I didn’t try to shoot them normally (even the stun at the time was .7 not .85 or .8 as it currently is).

This is the same when Hanzo had scatter; even though Hanzo was considered a throw pick, people would complain about “log arrows” and “scatter” being cheesy or annoying. This is the same with Widow one shot. This is the same with Roadhog hook combo. This is the same with Doomfist punch or combos. This is the same with Echo’s earlier iterations of bomb or her beam, either iteration. This is the same with some ultimates like Dragonblade, Tire, or whatever kills someone or whatever cc’s them. I don’t think being annoyed or bothered or lacking a chance to fight back once in a while when caught off guard, or they got a lucky shot, or you’re not behind covers or shields, is a reason to claim that it’s not a good part of the game. It’s always been part of the game, meh.


im talking about tanking mostly here, theres a reason why no one wants to tank and these 2 abilites do hold this category hostage


Except with the addition of a mobility skill on a low cooldown that gets him out of the effective range of Winston and

Along with a whole boatload of more peeling and healing tools to prevent Dive kills existing in the game.

Not to mention, the biggest problem with StormArrow is that it can easily be used directly after a normal arrow. Where as Scatter needed a whole “reload, equip and draw”, as well as having an entirely different projectile path.


FTH could lose 5 damage, and SA could lose 2 arrows


I agree about Hanzo and Mcree but I would also add Ana who I find has too much anti-tank focus. Her nade and sleep mostly hit tanks and at lower ranks where often flankers are non-existent every 2nd nade is heading to the enemy tanks. Her nade would, with some tweaks, make a good support ult and she has it on a 10s cooldown.


Please… I hate how FtH can do so much damage in so little time.


I figure, just put it on like a 5sec cooldown.

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That would feel a bit odd considering it is an alternate fire, but honestly I’m at a point where I don’t care anymore lol


You know what’s odd?

McCree killing a Rein barrier faster than Junkrat.


Yup, now mix that with Storm Arrow and its GG. I wonder if any of the devs are tank mains?


Yeah, I agree and understand the functions are different and that the current storm arrow mechanic is a lot more useful or powerful in general. But I’m just talking about the idea of killing quickly is always bothersome to players in games. So, because they have a little or no window for a chance to respond, it often frustrates players and they argue that such mechanics shouldn’t be in games. Let’s assume we make it do only 200-250 max or remove head shots or something w/e, it’s still going to be a source of complaint because of the nature of it. Hell, remove the ability entirely, they’ll still complain about getting head shot by normal arrows, as some do. They certainly do about widow and she has no burst skill ability.

What I’m getting at is that I don’t think combos or high output is necessarily a negative thing in a game. Sure, we could look at the nuances and argue balance and say things like, “burst is fine but at range it’s op”, but they they still complain about close range burst. So, then we enter these discussions of what is fair, what is close range, the spread, the delays, etc. But for some people this doesn’t matter, it’s just on principle they dislike those things regardless of how it’s adjusted or changed. So, I just have to take their ideas of what is viable game design or mechanic with a grain of salt and hope it’s not just coming from feeling salty, so to speak.


As much as I love Reaper; when he was first buffed, he was a nightmare to play against on every role. If they buff, then only his flying wraith. But not damage.


I kinda want more life steal i would like a reaper meta. He is fun to fight as hog.

I believe Jeff was a Damage main – forgot what hero though – and most of the other Devs were either the same, or Support mains.

Although, I don’t think they play the game as much, or even watch streams, to see how their game is functioning in the Live server?