Stop with the "DVa needs nerfs" Threads and the "DVa needs no skill" comments. Its beyond a joke

Because you cant balance every little thing. Every detail. If you balance one thing. You will make a change that was not expected. and maybe, that would be worse

How do D.Va’s more relevant ladder stats justify a nerf?

Protect your support.

You make no sense when you contradict yourself tryin to be clever with your statistics that only apply to the higher tier.

They don’t justify a nerf, but nerf dva brigaders have to get some kind of statistics to back up their rhetoric even if it applied only to the very top 0.00000001% of this whole playerbase. =p

Exactly. :^)

Easier said then done most of the time. The problem is that many can charge past defense in suicide runs. Sure, they die, but they do enough damage for that support to go down.

Again, I don’t want to see d’va nerfed into the ground. But I want to see her be maybe less effective in certain areas while better in others, or be a JOAT but master of none.

because the person is a doofus Darth. they try to be clever but just cant back it up

I know it’s crazy and I might be wrong about the reaper pick to counter dva. But so crazy it just might work.

Reaper is one of my least played and I have 0 troubles taking out dva with him. What ever happened countering? Although crying for nerfs is the greatest counter of all, and works against all heroes.

How many pro players did we have exactly on OWWC anyway? I want the exact percentage of players we’re talking about so I can always copypaste it.

Even better, it’s applicable to that one particular tournament only, cuz meta shifts always between tourneys. It’s barely going to apply even now with character buffs and additions.

Reaper is a strong counter to DVa.
Good luck with him. because he is really fun. And can do crazy amounts of damage

dva is fine she really doesnt need any nerfs, shes just very flexable which is why shes picked so much
and really claiming her world cup pick rate is really grasping at straws XD

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Instead of making others characters more flexible you want to nerf the only off tank who peels correctly and saves the backline?


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when someone somehow spins ladder stats–especially GM ladder stats–to show D.Va needs a nerf I’ll admit defeat or whatever but ladder is fine and until we see every other stat shown in Overbuff for OWWC I don’t care about her pickrate in it. I mean, I still don’t really care. But

Negative Ghost rider

I mean, he kinda is a counter. if played correctly…
Yeah, by that logic all heroes counter all.
But doomfist. stun stun stun. kinda kills ya mood

Stunning doesnt mean he counters Dva. He doesnt. At all. if your 147 hours counts as your argument my 150 plus hours count as mine.

0.000006625% of the whole 40,000,000 playerbase use dva a lot. 265 players people. For one large tournament. Because she has good niche kit with zero competition for her role. And the meta will shift like it always does with other hero buffs.

Forums: “Nerf plz she’s too OP”.

Ya’ll srsly got zero perspective here.

Who the eff cares what the 265 people do in their own minigame? Seriously.

Sorry, I made a mistake. A human error
Don’t kill me

She is like 30 meter radius Lucio from the old days now, a very good pick in all situations but not OP or overtuned.