Jump on dva and dive. See how long you last with the biggest hs hitbox of the game. She melts and only works with strong heals. That’s all there is to it. I see a dva and I go reaper as of lately, it’s real easy to destroy her mech. Shes not op nor needs a nerd, dps just need to do a better job.
You go reaper because that’s a main counter.
A person who is really good against all tanks.
Fixed for you.
Also, if we stare at pro pickrates, Lucio is OP too with his 70% pickrate far above rest of the healers. What part of him you consider broken? His aoe aura which is niche? Speed boost? Boop?
Do we need to nerf sombra again for being OP on pro player’s hands because she gets picked 3 times more as the second most popular dps?
Pickrates is not an argument. Pickrates do not define character’s power level. Pro play is not for rest of the 40 million playerbase, they have their own mini-game.
She’s overall too good at what she does. She probably only needs a few tweaks here and there. Maybe add a second to her booster recharge, reduce her DM charge rate a little, or add some spread to her micro missiles so they’re not quite as good at range. Maybe move more of the MM damage from the explosion to the impact. I doubt it’s anything obvious since nothing jumps out and screams “I’M OP!!! NERF ME!”
The 95% is a valid measure of hero power.
It’s not her healers breaking her, otherwise ana, or mercy, or moira would be up there with her for rep. Likewise, we’d see more of the other tanks also getting an improved rep bump, but we don’t. It’s just D.Va.
And I don’t need to be top 500 to see the trend, so your personal attack is uncalled for.
D.Va needs a nerf. Not a large one, but enough of one that she has a weakness somewhere in her kit that can allow for other heroes to be played in her place.
She doesn’t need to get dumpstered, but she does need to let other heroes see playtime in her place more of the time.
Noone makes these threads lol
She doesn’t need to. That’s part of the problem. All she needs to do is last long enough to take out a support: which she can.
Pickrate doesn’t determine power
She’s so op she’s the third most picked tank and has an average winrate. …Oh wait, that’s not op.
The world cup does not represent the rest of the world.
“allows other heroes to be played in her place”
Which heroes can fly and block at the same time?
There are no heros who can replace dva’s job on Overwatch currently and this is why she has high pickrate. 3 dive tanks and only two have blocks, 4 offtanks and only 2 can block and both get chosen. And dps don’t get blocks.
Wonder why dva gets chosen when she has literally no competitors for both of her roles she performs lol.
Pick rate is an argument because it’s one that we can see that has decision making behind it. I think it’s a great filter for overall power because it takes everything about a hero and puts it into effect out where we can see it.
OWWC and OWL are both great because each game is recorded, so we can go back and verify things easily.
And Lucio at 70%? His problem is that he has zero competition for his speed boost. He puts mobility, evasion, speed boost, healing, and a beefy team-fight-winning ultimate all into the same package.
His rep is part of the reason sombra is so popular right now as well. Her EMP cleanly counters his Drop the Beat, on top of everything else she can do. Though, her rep can’t touch his.
So we can use pickrate argument in defence of lucio and how he’s balanced and blabla, but when we speak about dva and her niche, suddenly she becomes OP and needs nerfs.
Cherry picking much? You just defeated your own argumet here lol. =p
Dva has no competition on her role either. Neither does lucio. They both have important niche abilities and thus get picked more. Neither needs nerfs because of these niche abilities, they need competition.
No, the pro scene doesn’t show power. It shows raw talent
Take a racing driver and a normal civ to race round the same track. The pro will go round it without no problem
Because they are trained, and the civ is not.
Same with OWWC and OWL
They are trained to get the most out of the hero
Rein, Zarya and Dva all had very high pick rates, and so did Ana, Zen and Moira. It really doesn’t say anything at all. In pro matches she exists to either eat anti-nades etc, or dive the opposing backline. The meta happens to be one where you need either a mobile off-tank or someone that can protect against certain key abilities. Dva happens to do those exact things.
The reason Dva is common is that she works with any main tank on any map, and that she is mobile.
I didn’t say that Lucio was balanced. In fact, if you read what I wrote I said that his speed boost is probably a problem since it has no competition (along with the rest of his kit being extremely strong).
And this isn’t a lucio thread. If you want to complain about his 70% OWWC pick rate, start a new thread about it.
So you can harass that one as well with your stats that don’t fall with the common player?
This is as much of a lucio thread as it’s a dva thread because OWWC pickrates are brought into this conversation, so it is very valid to speak about other hero pickrates too.
If dva’s pickrate is a problem, so is Lucio’s. So is sombra’s.
And on the FAAAAR GRANDER SCALE dva’s pickrate doesn’t even get close to Ana and Rein’s pickrates on ladder games. They are more valid than any niche pro player minigames.
But if you take a racing driver to a track and have him pick out a car, he’s going to perform better in the lambo than he will in the civic every time.
Case not closed.
Why so defensive?
I want all of Overwatch to be balanced and fun to play.
I forgot to put that they are in the same car
You stopped making any sense.