Stop the mercy spam

How about you get off your butt and look at the megathreads? There are tons of constructive posts that got lost in there. You have hands, you can go look yourself.


With Valkyrie you press q in order to fly. You do realize that fact right?

Also just because YOU think it’s more enjoyable, doesn’t make your opinions fact.

“I think flying is more fun! Therefore I’m right!”

Please stop…

Because what you did by pressing that Q was impactful. It changed the pace of the match. It made you feel strong, your enemies had to respect and fear the fact that you have the power to bring back your teamates if they spam ults mindlessly and then get punished for it.


Making “anti-Mercy” posts also adds to the massive pile of Mercy posts we already have, so can we not add to it, please? There may actually be some solid Bastion posts but we never see them because the 50 Mercy posts instantly get bumped by all the arguing going on.

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With rez you press q in order to rez. You do realize that fact right?

Also just because YOU think it’s more enjoyable, doesn’t make your opinions fact.

“I think rezing is more fun! Therefore I’m right!”

Please stop…

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EDIT: I’ve noticed the thread title has now been changed. Thanks. I’ll retain the below original post content however for potential future reference :slight_smile:.

Original post:
Be careful. I believe there are two things which are wrong with your current thread post, which might be deemed as breaching the forum’s code of conduct.

  • Making non-constructive posts
    – I don’t see how this thread contributes something constructive about Overwatch. It’s simply complaining about those who are unhappy with Mercy at the moment. Many Mercy players here are upset, but they are justifying reasons why they are unhappy with the current iteration of Mercy. Don’t forget that they were also bottled up in a megathread for nearly a year without any actual official engagement other than when the initial wave of mass flagging started (which eventually ended up causing the megathread to be shutdown).
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
    – Telling unhappy Mercy players to simply, but also disrespectfully, ‘shut up’, is likely to cause unrest.

If you must post a new thread about something then please make it somewhat constructive for everyone, not just a message primarily to tell players who are unhappy with Mercy to be quiet (in a rather disrespectful way). If you don’t like seeing a thread or multiple threads discussing a certain hero then you can always hide those threads from your list by setting them to ‘mute’.


Even if OP has the wrong wording, Mercy mains, more than any other heroes mains, have been entitled enough to try to dictate Blizzard on how they should change their hero, and spamming threads in frenzy mode…


It’s not spam though lmfao. How do you not know that Blizzard has a different definition for spam?

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With the so called ‘healer best at pumping out the greatest amount of healing’ now being outhealed by Moira and having basically become a boring rez bot I say there’s a reason to complain.

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Blizzard code of conduct for their forum :

Looks like you haven’t read their rules.


Mercy is the ez character


That’s not under spam :man_facepalming:

This is spam to them:

This post is an advertisement, or vandalism. It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.

Feedback is very much useful no matter how many times repeated.


Well obviously the posts aren’t being taken down as spam so they obviously aren’t spam to the devs :man_shrugging: I did however see a post complaining about mercy mains leaving feedback get taken down.

Obviously the devs don’t seem to deem the posts as spam as they are constructive more times then not and if they aren’t they are taken down but that is pretty uncommon.

Except spamming threads is against one of their rules.


Spam category :

Key sentence Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish


Except it’s not labelled as spam meaning it’s not a flaggable offense. Only moderators decide whether something is:


Same phrase every nerf they made on Mercy.


Yeah everytime she was still op

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Res opened far more decisions. It punished you for poor timing.
Valk doesn’t need strategy nor does it require timing. Huh.


Pretty sure most of the Mercy threads aren’t copying and pasting the same thing over and over again. With that in mind, I wouldn’t flag them if I were you.


You do realize that Mercy didn’t have flight in her kit with Mass res, right? She at most glided with guardian angel. Your previous statement of “fly and press q” makes no sense.

“No u!” Still proves my point. Your opinions are just that. Opinions. You have no evidence to prove that what YOU find enjoyable automatically means that everyone would enjoy it as well.

Also good job changing your title that told Mercy mains to “shut up”. You’re really making progress here :smirk: