Stop saying tanks needs nerfed

It’s just Reinhardt and it’s only because Reinhardt got large buffs lately that elevated him out of the range of every other tank.

Rein needs minor nerfs but mostly it’s that all the other main tanks need to be fixed.

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Haven’t seen any recently.

(contributing to an issue wont solve it, because you know Blizzard wont cater to that)

Yes changes should be made, but this doesn’t mean nerfs exactly.

And well Reinhardt especially, cuz he’s been dominating the meta for quite a bit hasn’t he?

The irony is half the tank roster actually needs buffs.


I thought he went up because sigma and orisa were mega nerfed…


He didnt get any buffs. He got steadfast buffed then nerfed. His movement was a QoL issue that was needed and doesnt make him op. Please refrain from speaking about rein until you actually learn about his kit

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I think introducing the open queue can actually fix alot of issues related to the tank problem.

(No i ain’t talkin bout GOATS)

Yeah i mean, buffing alot can be an issue.
And i can’t say myself tanks are doing fine as of this moment.

But is buffing the only way of fixing it?

I’ve been playing into Rein’s kit for the entire lifespan of the game, I think I have a good idea about it.

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Yep that is exactly why. More so to do with burst damage and healing and since most tanks are trash. Hes the only one that can do anything substantial

Well that aside…

Hasn’t Reinhardt been always a common pick, actually what has his overall pickrate been over all seasons in total?

Technically speaking, he only got steadfast after double barrier was meta. Then steadfast was buffed during double shield. It was only nerfed just recently when Rein was a mustpick. He still has better steadfast (in that he actually has steadfast) than before double shield.

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Clearly not. You cant even counter echo, so honestly you are irrelevant

I can counter bad Echo players. I think maybe you haven’t seen a good one.

I have seen plenty. But thank you

This can also be at fault at Echo’s kit.

She has high damage output, but doesn’t have any vulnerability.

High damage heroes:
Tracer: Low HP
Reaper: Has to get close
Junkrat: Needs to calculate the path

Overtime it’ll be easier because Echo probably will have something that will be a negative thing to her kit.

He is only a common pick because burst damage is so op. With sigma and Orisa in the ground there really isnt anyone else to mitigate that

Possibly toning down damage and CC across the board may enable dva, winston to be more viable. Hammond needs a revert or 2 and orisa needs better shield precense without forcing a double barrier meta (may have to include toning down sigmas shield)

She cant strafe in the air, takes damage while transforming, if she runs out of flight while in the back lines of enemies she’s easy pick.

Beam only effective if hero is less than 50%. I mean she has a lot of negatives

Depending on the given situation yes, but other heroes have negative effects that apply at all times.

How about they buff Sigma and Orisa to be as strong as they were in September.

But throw in a catch, to balance it out.

✅ Shooting DoubleBarrier = UltCharge


I do play less tank the last 4 weeks.
Now I like, the forum and to play skirmish and deathmatch, while queue dps.
Once a while you will play dps, or queue again when you don’t like the map.