Stop playing tank just to try being a dps

litteraly que into dps rather then wasting a perfectly good spot

This is priority que to get their dps tickets. Exactly what we know would happen…

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I been a tank main since like 3-4 seasons before 2-2-2 dropped. Before that I still played tank like 50% of my games.

Every 5-8 games I will get some nasty messages from some as-hat about how much I suck, should kill myself, ext.

I’ve always been a casual player give or take. I have massively enjoyed experimenting and trying damn near every hero in this game. The result? I’m a Diamond rank tank player who doesn’t often use voice and can play damn near any tank.

Doesn’t matter that Diamond is only like 15% of the player base. People will still be toxic and try to bring you down cuz they feel bad for whatever reason.

Maybe you should pick tank instead and stop trying to judge people.


That is just the Overwatch experience, has nothing to do with tank. I got it as dps, I got it as healer (less than usual, I will admit) and I get it as a tank.

Maybe? I played a ton of dps and a ton of support. The whole toxic personal messages thing only started happening when I became an exclusive tank.

In game toxic behavior? yes. 100% agree.

But I only get these super toxic messages when I tank. Post game stuff where people insult and act as if you murdered their first born kid. I’m a thick skinned psychopath who enjoys confrontation with sick demented people so their whining is nothing but a show to me but still. It is no mystery to me why people don’t enjoy tanking in this game.

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people were saying when they implemented priority pass they should have rested peoples mmr so they dont end up higher than they should. it’ll correct itself over time i think have to suffer till then

That is really interesting. I honestly used to get messages a lot, but they have died down recently. Idk, honestly. Explaining toxic behavior is a fruitless endeavor because most of the whiny players have CTE. It is relatively unpredictable. Lul.

You don’t get better tanks by people not playing tank.


I do play tank I rotate between queues, and I have been playing an awful lot of support. what I notice is how many tanks are constantly trying to get gold damage rather then making space and soaking damage for the team. Instead they choose to go winston or Zarya and rather then taking advantage of their shields they spend their time making stupid desciisons and dps style plays like staying behind the entire team and refusing to take damage or give a good shield to benefit the team rather then them when they rush in

No one wants to play tank, the community just want to blame the ones who play and force them to play Rein/Zarya forever.

I want them to create space and absorb damage. Wether it be wrecking ball, winston, orisa, or sigma. Doesn’t matter. Zarya in gold is barely played right as most people tend to throw the shield as soon as its available rather then timed shields in logical situations. Rather they sheild a widowmaker who has been sitting in the back for the past 3 rounds and taken 0 damage.

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