Stop picking these tanks

Okay so this is when people legitimately want to win they don’t mind counter swapping but they’re not really sure what to pick.

Don’t pick Ball, Winston, or Doom for like any situation (this is console btw) unless I guess your trying to dive a widow or hanzo, but even then dvas better. This isn’t really about like wanting to “Have fun” people pick these tanks thinking they are legitmeatly good in there own right, they aren’t.

Like I keep seeing people pick winston on gibralter don’t know who started this cause I didn’t originally see this? But anyways they lose everytime or get hard held until they switch.

Multiple times right I see it on push and my tank thinks they need to get “More” value like we were on Esperancha and he was doing okay on hog into Orisa, he switched to winston annnddd we just got hard rolled afterwards.

In make or break situations its best just to stick to more standard tanks

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Bro Tank players don’t exist anymore.

it’s just DPS masquerading as them.


“Don’t pick winston on Gibraltar”

Why in earth would you not run dive tanks on that map?


I’ve been wondering why this became popular but usually the person who does it just loses?

Winstons probably the best out of these 3, butttt I still till this day out of like 20 different games have not seen this work in my rank which is diamond, also they usually counter swap him immediately.

There’s a difference between just losing and being full held, and I wouldn’t be as noticing of it iffff it didn’t lead to an actual full held virtually every time.

If someone picks a brawl tank on that map (first or second point at least) they always lose to dive

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I’ll run some more test, it never hurts to double check your research.

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This is why I hate maps like Gibraltar with limited and difficult high ground access. First and second point need better high ground access, third point feels pretty okay since the rework.

Let’s hope dorado’s rework comes sooner than expected! :crossed_fingers: