Stop pandering to control freaks

R6 Siege has operator ban system. Lol has champion ban system. This is something any pvp game with characters of varying abilities should have. It’s not pandering to control freaks

good thing jeff dropped a statement saying bans are bad

How does that even compare ? CS is a niche with way less players than OW and LoL as pointed out repeatedly has about 5 billion heroes and only ‘soft roles’ where a ban doesn’t matter as much.

I would love to have bans. I really dislike the 2-2-2 roleq thing. I already was against it the first second I heard it. I have been playing at high SR ever since season 2. Loved the game for flexing and all the weird combinations of teams.

Now we have this forced 2-2-2 and every single match is the same. Why? because there is and will be always a better Meta. Now we have to constantly wait for these rare updates that completely destroy meta’s to have some change in the game. This is in my opninion no healthy state for the game to be in.

Bans could get rid of this problem. Some tank hero that always gets picked because “meta” just ban. Done, pick something new, learn something new keep the game fresh and have a different match everytime. Same could be said about meta dps and supports.

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Oh ok then. I didn’t know OWL was the majority of the playerbase.

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Who even said I was talking about OWL in the first place?? :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Most pro players/streamers most probably actually dislike 2/2/2 role - lock, due to how long DPS queues now are in high ranks…

Tell me about it…cant say how many people are like i only want to play this 1 character in a game designed around switching heros

They still vouched for it.


And they cheered when the official announcement was made.

Some even spoiled it for the general public before the announcement, like Jake saying he would be finally free from Brigitte and back to be a DPS player.

Some of them regretting wishing for it in the first place don’t change the fact that it was mostly streamers and pro players that pushed for role queue.

Heck, the announcement video explicitly says that they were thinking about using role queue for 2020 season and asked the teams if they would prefer to play on the new rules earlier on stage 4.

IMO, role queue was rushed because of this kind of pressure from the pro teams, and it was not ready to be released to the general public yet, because every other instance anyone from the dev team talked about role queue, they said they had to fix the matchmaking before pushing for this change. But OWL was losing numbers, people wanted to see DPS heroes, and they shoved a system that was half baked as soon as possible.