Stop nerfing mercy

Please, pretty please, sugar on top


I mean, if she ends up being balanced after this I’m sure they will stop. I think what is more likely is that she’ll still be easily the best main healer (because they didn’t actually address the core issues) and so she will require further balancing.

Relax. Mercy will still be a must pick.


Why does it matter how many times she is nerfed if she was not nerfed enough?

Quality> Quantity you know? She wasn’t nerfed enough, doesn’t matter how many times. They are nerfing her in small steps to not over-nerf her probably.


She is balanced, its other heroes that are unbalanced. Phara too strong? Must be mercy’s fault, nerf her. Winston can’t kill Zen? Must be mercy’s fault, nerf her.


Shows over.


Every change to Mercy has be because another hero is too powerful and having her makes that hero even more broken. Mercy does nothing solo. She has to have good players that know their heroes on her team to function well. The Mercy player also has to have good awareness to stay alive and do her damned job.


blizzard hq
Guys, everyone complains about supports not healing as well as mercy. Should we increase their healing to be closer to hers?

No. Nerf mercy.


What is power creep


Except they are doing both now?

The problem is they will never stop nerfing her. When I knew that she would get changes I was happy and then BOOOM!!! I wasn’t anymore. Blizzard don’t like Mercy mains and if DPS mains start complaining about something Blizzard will satisfy them and won’t give a dam about the resto of the community.


This rework is still a “Success” btw. 10 nerfs in I think we almost have it maybe it will take another year to finally balance Mercy. Cause I forgot a “Success” means trying 10 times to see if we get it right because it wouldn’t be called “A work in progress.” Right?


people who complain about pharmercy are just too bad to counter it.

its a team effort to counter this strat.

Blizzard said a few months ago that they “don’t feel Mercy needs any changes right now,” so at this point I think that they just enjoy nerfing the parts of her kit that have been fine since the beginning.

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If they stopped nerfing her then they would just have to buff the other healers in the name of balance which would give way to sextuple support meta. So I for one am in favor of nerfing mercy if it allows other healers to get more time in the spotlight.

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Well Jeff said after the rework that “Mercy’s balanced and has never been in a better place” yet here we are with nerf number 10…

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That was months ago… Do you honestly not think balance can change in that time frame?

Sadly they will never stop nerfing Mercy

They love it too much

This isn’t what balance looks like:


Yeah, and pickrate stats looked like this when he made that statement.

Sure, I get it that if hero is OP, he/she gets picked more

however it always doesn´t mean just that, Mercy is just more lovable support