Stop necroing topics

We aren’t playing Uno, reverse cards do not work irl or on these forums.

Then you click off and move on.

Oh no, you wasted 5 seconds, how sad.

Exaggeration does not help your case. You’re literally crying about the most trivial thing.

There are far far worse things than someone necro’ing threads. Focus elsewhere.

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inb4 they are the necroposter’s alt account

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What are you on about? It’s not that deep, nor is it even an issue. It’s just basic OW community cry baby nonsense.

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:question: Necroposting is generally not good form on any forum. A lot have rules against it actually.

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that doesn’t make it less annoying though lmao

Dude, no one is claiming otherwise. It clutters the forum and distracts from meaningful discussion while also being against the rules of the forum itself.

It’s not unreasonable to want the rules to be enforced when someone continously and knowingly breaks them.


It’s still barely an issue, it’s one person necro’ing threads, that people are crying about embarrassed over.

Just read the date, and poof. Move on.

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I really hope this thread ends up Necroed a month or two from now

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You think Blizzard cares? I got suspended for saying a slang word for genitalia, that no one even flagged. Mods cherry pick what rules apply and what don’t.

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Surprised Blizz mods haven’t revoked that account’s access to the forums yet…like, the BTag is little more than a bunch of random numbers and letters…add that to the continuing necroing of 30-day plus threads (with posts that often times look like ChatGPT wrote them) and one has to how that account isn’t IP-banned yet.


God I hated that… Thing.


i like how you uninstalled and don’t even play the game anymore, but still come to the forums to berate and insult people.

I ask the personal attacks cease.


No one berated anyone, I said to focus elsewhere than one person necro’ing threads that you get caught up in because you refuse to read post dates.

Try that nonsense elsewhere.

And I don’t have to continue playing the game to post on these forums. You thinking I have to, is the most hilarious burning strawman I’ve ever seen.

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Irrelevant but to address it anyways it doesn’t matter if Blizz themselves care. You are complaining about the community being cry babies when there is direct evidence to the contrary. Blizz should enforce their rules whether they actually care or not.

Two things, first you only see if you have been reported if several people flagged you. It only actually takes one person flagging a post to potentially have some sort of consequence. Secondly, you’re making the argument for the people you’re complaining about. People just want the mods to actually enforce the rules.

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And they really don’t. Everything is automated. I’ll advise you to look at the “Uno reverse cards don’t work irl” comment I said and apply that.

Yes go tell me how saying b**er was getting flagged.

You think a forum largely ignored by the game devs is going to enforce rules until they are forced to?

I don’t know what kind of wonka land you’re living in, but if you want to be taken serious, might wanna go over to reddit or become a content creator.

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why is it bad for us to want the forums to actually be moderated adequately?

Because the forums are once again, as I have said, IGNORED BY THE COMPANY!

It’s been nothing but a toxic cesspool for so long, that they’ve abandoned it. People got what they wanted.

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Again, it’s completely irrelevant anyways besides that, the forum is definitely not automated lol. It’s barely moderated which is a problem. And what uno reverse argument, you mean throwing this out?

Great argument there that doesn’t actually address the point being made.

It literally only takes one person. You could literally flag anything and if a mod decides it’s against the rules, guess what happens? Which btw, it is against the rules.

Blizzard Support - Forum Code of Conduct.

Are an inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions

That includes masked language (such as slang). I would suggest actually trying to read the rules because your own complaint is answered right there.

Actually, yeah. It’s not unreasonable to want them to enforce the rules. Sorry you think that’s absurd to want.

Maybe people want them to… idk stop ignoring them and enforce the rules more consistently? You’re literally spitting out reasons why people are frustrated.

Alright, Gamerbecca and Lazypeon, let’s calm down. The guy we were originally calling out has been sent home to the place where demons come from, which means this thread has run it’s course.

I say it’s time for lunch - a sandwich and chips sounds great right about now.