Stop Killing Niches!

This was the eventuality of reducing everything into 3 roles and forcing the 2/2/2.

You cant have anything that fits outside these 3 narrow roles and doesnt function as part of a 2/2/2.

Remember, people wanted this, and celebrate this as some game improving decision.

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Moira too :sob: they killed both my favourite heroes I don’t even play the game much anymore, heck I missed so many skins due to how little I play the game now lol… :japanese_goblin:

I think you should change the title to Blizzard stop taking away the uniqueness of your heroes

Like I wish Symm was as playable as Mccree on all maps but she’s not. She’s niche in that aspect.

Cuz it could 1 shot tanks and they didn’t nerf the damage

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The dopamine rushers are really the mercy players. They want that feeling of thinking they did something to pivot the match.

Now she has 450 hp with a lot being armor. Nowadays, she would survive a scatter arrow unlike back in the day.

Sym teleport is pretty garbage compared to old tele/shield gen. Photon barrier is just alright.

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Niche heroes shouldn’t exist. If a hero can only be played in very small amount of limited time then why have the hero? This is why even in those “niche” times they aren’t worth it. You’re still better off picking a hero that’s good at everything.

If I want to watch, how everything is falling apart, I pick spectator.

Seriously, who thought, that watching your team getting absolutely wiped out with ults and having nothing to stop it(since at some point damage ults stacked overwhelm everything) is even remotely fun?

So yes, we did pivot the match. Not anymore though. Now it’s just sit, relax, and watch everything going wrong, since fixing it isn’t among your talents.

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This is exatly the same what has been for a longer while already when playing this game and its killing it for me tbh. I agree with everything you said, but would add Torb for losing his unique scrap mechanic and getting boring “im faster and tankier now ability” and Mercy too, cuz valkyrie after all is just another “im getting temporary buffs to everything and fly now”.

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It’s not as much “killing niches”, as disregarding entire concept of ultimate.

Ultimate ability serves few important functions:

  • it gives “power spike” for player;
  • it offers variety, adding new angle to gameplay;
  • it motivates player to play better(playing better = faster ults);

It was original design of the OW :expressionless:

" repick to the hero that matches to the situation "

There were heroes with visible strength and weakness, ofc there were generalistic heroes like Soldier for new people or people who like pew pew, but they were worse than specialist heroes in their good aspects

But then they started to create heroes that can do everything Lmao

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Probably because they eventually realised, that human psychology doesn’t allow players to treat heroes like mere tools.

It could work, if they did stick with more “traditional” class design from games like Battlefield, where class is simply your generic grunt with different equipment.

I agree but I dont get why people say brig was a dps too, she had a strong combo of 155 dmg but it used two of her abilities, outside of that she does like (I think, math is hard) 58 dps (35 a swing with one swing every .6 seconds) I think with the cooldown nerfs to SB that would have been a good enough nerf to the combo, maybe drop SB dmg to 45,30,25 whatever but not freaking 5 :sob:

Definitely agree with you on Mercy. And Torb did lose that awesome scrap mechanic which was unique in the fact that helped your team more the longer the game when on. I personally would’ve like them to focus his rework on improving that aspect of his character.

Because niches covered specific aspects of the game that generalist heroes otherwise can’t cover. Some niches were built around counter certain playstyles while others were maps specific. In either case, each had a role in the game just as generalist heroes do. But what we don’t need is all heroes becoming generalist heroes. That’s bad for the game.

Her overall damage was bad, but her burst was strong. That is what I pointed out in my original post. And havving strong burst damage to use at crucial moments to help delete an enemy hero is better more often then just having strong DPS.

So having solid heals, great tankyness, and strong burst damage was a bit much. However, they should have focused mostly on nerfed her strong burst damage instead of also killing that and her tankyness.

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Again, WHY pick said niche hero when you can pick another non-niche hero that can still do the job plus much more?

Heroes like Junkrat or Symm who are area denial and shield busters are pretty pointless when McCree or Hanzo can do that plus be far more effective at long range.

But we already have that and it’s why most projectile heroes have never been good.

Sorry for late reply, but i wasnt on the forums for a while. But yeah, you are right i forgot that the topic was about niches and not uniquenes of heroes in general and drifted away.

Niches are what makes a characters unique and fun. If you wanted everything to be the same and interchangeable, play CoD.

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