Stop Killing Niches!

Tl;dr: Too many heroes lost their niche due reworks or balance changes. It is killing their individuality and unique qualities that made them what they were. Instead heroes are getting pushed slowly and slowly to become the same as one another until every hero will be practically interchangeable.

Reaper’s recent changes are forcing him to be a squishy targeting flanker. Every other single flanker already does that job but better! Tracer, Sombra, Echo, and Genji all can flank and target squishes. Reaper was the one flanker that was good for targeting tanks, and now he isnt. So instead of them trying to rework him to fill into a role already massively overcrowded, let him have his niche!

Hanzo lost an unique ability unlike any other in the game that could kill using map geometry. Did it suck to die to, sure. But it was much more easy to outplay. All one had to do was evade it once and you wouldnt have to worry about it. Now he has a better version of McCree fan the hammer, which is now why Winston (A character originally made to counter snipers) gets streaded by Hanzo.

Symmetra’s rework was the worst offender of all. She lost her niche of being the only non healing support and the only hero with 2 ultimates. 2! Now she is a character that gets overshadowed in a category of heroes that she doesnt belong with.

DVa was one of the best Tanks at counter hitscans especially when high ground was involved. She could outplay so much with great DM play. Now she gets streaded and is probably the worse off tank in the game.

Bastion was better with the less spread and ability to headshot with his sentry mode and that was what made him who he was - an character with next to no mobility but insane, unmatched Raw DPS. Instead they gave recon mode some buffs at the expense of sentry mode.

Brig was supposed to be the first Healer/Tank hybrid. I’ll admit she did too much. He burst damage and tankyness were too high. But they reworked her in the wrong way. They buffed her healing, gave more packs, and essentially made her just another Heal bot; while at the same time taking away pretty much all her tanking and burst dps away. They should’ve keep her most of her tankyness while nerfing her burst dps.

Please for the love of God, stop forcing changes that kill everything we originally loved about the heroes. Stop generalizing them! Stop forcing heroes into roles they shouldn’t be in, roles that are already filled! STOP IT!

EDIT: Mercy was another hero who lost her identity. While I’m glad she at least still has rez to some capacity, those big moments of resurrecting an entire team is no more. Now she has a much less fun ultimate ability in my opinion (and many others based on this thread). Instead of making game changing impact with mass rez, she gets to play around and buff/heal her team.


I honestly can’t agree with this more


I miss scatter :pensive:
Rip scatter arrow one of the coolest abilities in the game, I hate all you players that complained about it.


“Officer, I never saw those niches in my life. I have no idea who they are, nor how they ended up dead.”

Next thing you know, Doomfist will be in a wheelchair with a machine gun. Where does this insanity end?!


The only thing that these heroes can do is farm their ults, press q, and pray that their team follows up.

Genji’s and Sombra’s niche is lowering their teams % chance at Victory.


Even bob is a better teammate, at least he doesn’t trash talk his teammates.

omfg. as a sym main that did play her from 1.0, no.
“non healing support” is not a niche.
“2 ultimates” is not a niche.
none of those are areas in which the hero excelled in.

moira, lucio and brig performing well in grouped up comps is a niche.
mercy doing better for more spread out comps particularly involving snipers is a niche.
junkrat doing better in narrower passageways or tighter areas is a niche.
snipers doing better in open areas with more sightlines is a niche.

none of what you said for (old) sym is a niche.

her niche was overly passive and static zoning that was only actually reasonable to do on defence of CP modes on some maps and that was it.

and that niche was dead on arrival because “waiting for enemies to come to me” is an inherently very inefficient even waaaay back then.

one gets far more actions over time and more value over time if a hero has agency over getting to and away from the enemy compared to having to wait for them. it’s the same reason why snipers reposition fairly frequently for better angles rather than stubbornly waiting in 1 spot various corners out of los. like the “wait for enemies come to you” gameplay is further infeasible when you further consider the fact that they’re removing 2CP i.e. much less CP defence, the 1 side of a game mode where there isn’t much incentive to “go to enemies”.

I mean look at how fast the pace of the game was vs now. with all the changes to the tanks, static comps are practically dead ----> so is that old niche. and in OW2 apparently 2CP is going to be gone so if that’s not the nail in the coffin to that niche then you honestly have no clue about what you’re talking about.

can people stop blaming the rework for things that had nothing to do with it :roll_eyes:


Sym is played more on koth than 2cp.


I wouldn’t say she’s the “worse off-tank in the game” but she def needs a matrix range buff and a fall-off change.

yeah instead of reworking the mechanics of the arrows they just removed it entirely

you’re talking about 3.0. I’m talking about <=2.0. <=2.0 was defs played more on 2CP defence than koth. 2.0’s niche was defs 2CP defence and NOT koth.


Which so many characters being jack of all trades, niches don’t work in OW anymore.

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Smart players knew never to flank the hanzo, if he had SA on cool down, but as always, rework because thinking is hard.

People wanted scatter gone because it was as simple as pointing at a person’s feet and hoping the random spread killed their target. It made it impossibly hard to get in close to hanzo as a tank because a simple button press to the feet could drain a tank of all or almost all of their health.
I don’t like like what they gave him but it’s way more reasonable than trusting RNG to get free elims.


I miss it too. It was much more fun to use than spam arrows

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My bad

I want them to remove niches, because they’ve proven they’re too incompetent at balancing them anyway.

I was killed by SA a grand total of 1 time, couldn’t see sh!t behind rien, and he dropped shield to fire strike. Lesson learned, never killed by it again.

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