It’s been half a year. When people were saying Brig was unbalanced, they gave word about and nerfed her quickly. When people were saying Symmetra is underpowered, they’re giving her a rework. It’s been 6 months, and they said they were closely monitoring her. 6 months, they’re closely monitoring her, and we don’t have any word on her at all, despite all the people complaining about her. Doesn’t add up.
I agree, but only to an extent. After blizzard quickly “fixed” Sombra, they ended up leaving her more broke than ever. In theory, her playstyle is in a great place right now, but ever since they made her hack less forgiving, the way they implemented it has caused more harm than good. Fix her bug’s and she would be in a great spot.
Sombra’s hack should not take 2-5 seconds on one target with nothing breaking line of sight. That’s just poor programming. There are just some hitbox’s that should not break line of sight. Enemy Rein swinging his hammer should not break hack, especially when it doesn’t hit you. Allies shouldn’t break the Line of sight. Also, I don’t care what anyone says, if there’s a breakable stop sign in the road, it shouldn’t be a free get out of hack object just by walking near it.
You are giving the Forum community way too much credit on the Briggite adjustments.
31 hours. Besides, you’re still wrong.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad
they are both op abilities in the state they were in being defended with dumb arguments.
I’m not being absurd. pros literally all banned together and said we aren’t playing with this sombra. fix it or we are done. if the pros are doing that theres a problem. theres a reason they had a meeting with blizzard about sombra. theres a reason it was fixed so quickly. people cried louder and harder about brig but it took forever to get small nerfs. sombra was fixed in just 2 weeks for a reason.
youre literally just refusing to accept that my data is relevant. sorry but saying youre a liar is not an argument with out proof.
31 hours of sombra on the psn account attached to this alone. that’s just shy of your play time. gonna tell me you don’t understand sombra? I played her at top tiers of the game I think I know sombra pretty well.
Hitting a 2% pick rate, then declining is not the sign of an OP character.
Hitting 11% and sticking there in place of anything else that can fill that role probably is.
Sombra is not the latter.
Mind sourcing this OWL united front where they say nerf or we won’t play?
Again. You fail to understand the original argument. It’s not about “OP abilites”. At all.
Stop. It. You haven’t provided a single line of data. Just nonsense. In fact you have gone out of your way to set a data criteria you know cant exist…
I’m tired of trying to prove a negative. I got the data. You got absurd claims backed by nothing. Either put up your evidence or stop. This isn’t a circus.
I take it that this is a rant. I’m a good sombra, and yeah she’s bad, but if your good at her, who cares?
Sombra should not get buff.
Bug fixes =/= buffs
Fix her bugs and she’s fine.
I honestly don’t think bug fixes would be enough. Even before her nerfs, for those two weeks her use and win rates were in rapid decline. And they didn’t exactly reach “normal” levels to start with.
Thank you just watched it. I certainly didn’t hear anything about a special meeting or that any pro said they would boycott their leagues if she wasn’t changed. Not sure how you came to.that conclusion.
Did you even watch the video? It disproves everything you’ve said today.
Yes, the pro scene had fears based on hypotheticals.
But. The video also makes it very clear that the ACTUAL data from both Jeff and Contenders players who actually played the real patch didn’t find her to be especially overwhelming.
Maybe you only listened to the part you wanted to hear? Congratz. Your played yourself.
Even a good bastion can work well. Bastion still sucks.
Every hero CAN hypothetically be played well. Doesn’t mean they’re balanced.
it is, the original hack was overpowered. that’s why it was nerfed. you not accepting that doesn’t change it.
you’ve provided no data as well but here you go
in this video a pro talks about how blizzard scheduled a meeting with them because of the sombra issue.
its actually 31 I misread on another account I’m posting on the forums. considering theres 31 on this, and 23 on another ive got more time than you. so if I don’t understand the character, you definitely don’t, considering ive played her in masters.
they literally say he leaked the hacks from a meeting pros had with blizzard.
Think you are misinterpreting but doesn’t really matter. Thanks for the link.
"Did you even watch the video? It disproves everything you’ve said today.
Yes, the pro scene had fears based on hypotheticals.
But. The video also makes it very clear that the ACTUAL data from both Jeff and Contenders players who actually played the real patch didn’t find her to be especially overwhelming.
Maybe you only listened to the part you wanted to hear? Congratz. Your played yourself."
Also you are changing your own story. Again. Your original claim was “She made tanks literally unplayable”. Not “The pro scene had concerns”.
Don’t try to change your own arguments in an effort to look better.