Stop complaining... Help identify new playstyles

Mercy, Widow, Genji/Tracer, Winston,, Zen/Lucio, was the most common place characters at Brigs introduction. It was indeed dive that was present, only and winston could make a dive comp at the time.

That is a lot of words to show that you don’t like “team” play. :roll_eyes:

It’s like you didn’t read it at all… :pensive:


The fact that i criticize the devs’ game design and balance doesn’t mean i’m waiting for buffs to play Pharah or nerfs to try out how to best deal with the Orisa/Sigma combo.

Plus the hero kits in Overwatch are the playstyles; there is very little wiggle room here to be creative or innovative. That is supposed to be the domain of hero switching and team compositions. A hero is like a rifle in Battlefield, very specific strengths and weaknesses that you have to pkay around, while the loadout (=team comp, switching) is where you adapt and adjust.


I think you are fairly off about what moth meta allowed to work.

Ohh am i, i think i am fairly on point with what was played slowly as Mercy got introduced into Dive, seeing as i was playing it heavily in scrims.


overbuff (dot) com/blog/2017-10-24-overwatch-hero-tier-list-and-meta-report-lord-have-mercy





Lol and I like how your own link defines dive as a meta without Lucio.

If McCree and soldier are used more than Lucio, that ain’t dive

I remember you posting this BS in a “buff Tracer” thread and I remember proving how wrong you are.

“Whaa i am wrong and i cannot handle it wahhhh, mommy”

i proved you wrong so move on.

Dive is a tactic used, not based on heroes at all and the most essential part of dive, is the “Dive” tanks, and winston, who still dominated the meta.

Even your logic is completely bogus, so deathball and GOATS are dive comps because of having lucio :wink:

Your playstyle is probably “lone ranger”. It just doesn’t fit in 2-2-2.

I said Lucio and McCree. This isn’t a logic thing dude. It’s a ‘what defines dive’ and mercy Zen and tracer fine. But soldier/ McCree and Zen does not a dive make. A winston hog mercy Zen tracer McCree comp… Iz not dive dude. It’s just flat not.

You’ve already tried to “teach” me how to play Tracer in the current meta using the same words and I’ve already told you exactly why you are wrong.

You don’t make playstyle, people discover them, but this game is so damned restrictive with how it wants you to play you can’t even do that.

As far new playstyles, anything involving a Tank who has a slow firing weapon that can also crit would be broken as hell. He’d be slow to put out damage but it doesn’t matter when you have double the hp of a normal DPS.

I mean if the pros who get paid to find all the good playstyles that are limited in this game with 2-2-2, then how is the community going to stand a better chance at finding stuff when we don’t have their resources?

So you believe the “lone ranger” playstyle fits in a “team” game. :roll_eyes:

I believe that Tracer doesn’t fit in this game and your childish “advice” won’t fix this problem. You can still try and post it again, it won’t be hard to destroy it for the second time.

Alright so… your whole post has one massive problem.

Overwatch has no framework in place for allowing the average player to attempt to innovate. Outside of you having 5 friends who are also adventurous and all 6 of you having incredibly deep hero pools… you aren’t innovating anything. That situation is super rare and one member of a 6 man team can’t innovate on their own. I was hoping that LFG would help with that, but it didn’t.

If we had guilds then maybe it would work. All the people who do want to innovate and try new things could maybe find each other and try weird stuff together then. But we don’t have guilds.

When other players realize their playstyle with Tracer is wrong in 2-2-2. You will follow them.

Oh, so you want to try that again?
Go on then, teach me how to play Tracer in 2-2-2 double shield meta.

a new way on how to player rein. If the enemy isnt running mei or doomfist and are running only sigma good for you if not my best solution go back to spawn and switch which is what will happen 99/100 have fun