Stop Complaining About Hanzo

That’s really freakin’ stupid considering your teammates can just look on the player screen to see what your ult charge is at.


you are probably talking about xbox hanzo, everyone else is talking about hanzo on pc (seeing as you are over lv450 on xbox and only lv7 on pc), so you probably arent as aware on how good hanzo is rn.


Exactly, but even if it was charged up, I still get told to fire it when I have a different strategy to use it. Most of them want to do the Gravdragon just so they can get the POTG as well.

Sorry, if the Hanzo players had better teamwork attitudes, I may have done the combos with them, but until then, nope.


Pretty much this.

Blizz are so worked up about heroes being balanced by weakness (Ana doesn’t have mobility because sleep dart blah blah).

So they give a sniper a 420 damage body-shot burst damage ability! Step aside McCree, FtH is for nubs!

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I still think it’s ridiculous that Zarya doesn’t get the PotG when she was the reason that killfeed happened.


THANK YOU!!! Glad I’m not the only one that sees that.

420 over time, which illuminates him, and does 60 less damage than instant scatter? And hanzo isn’t hitscan…

1.5 seconds. Yep that Winston is dead. Heroes need weaknesses right Blizz…Blizz?

2 seconds, actually. If that Winston can’t learn how to use his shield he deserves to die.

Actually we’re both wrong, it’s 1.8 seconds haha (0.3 per shot, 6 shots total).

Winstons generally jetpack on to the hero and quick-melee upon landing. Hanzo’s lunge allows him to easily reposition to pump a quick 6 storm arrows in to monkey.

You’re making out Hanzo is a weak target vs Winston which is clearly not true with Hanzo’s current kit.

If you include activation time it’s 2 seconds. If Winston jumps ON hanzo and hanzo jumps away, hanzo is now outside the shield, and thus can’t damage Winston, while still being within range of Winston’s gun from inside the shield.

That’s clearly not what I said:

Re-position, as in, to put himself in a position (if required) to storm arrow the monkey if a shield is deployed.

Hanzo is incredibly powerful against the very hero that is supposed to ‘counter’ him.

I agree Hanzo is so Overpower!! Maybe they need Rework on Storm Arrows.

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“Winstons generally jetpack on to the hero” Bruh. And you know not all counters should easily counter right? It just means they’re ideal for the job, not hold down m1 to counter

This is why we reply to the entire post in context.

My full reply was:

I’ll break it down for you.

Ok, Winston in, shield down, quick-melee used.

Hanzo can use lunge, to reposition himself (inside/outside the barrier, where-ever monkey is) to pump a quick 6 storm arrows in to monkey.

There, all better. :slight_smile:

Ok I guess in your world Winston is incapable of using his shield. Lmao

No rework needed, just an adjustment.

NO! The only reason he is now “Meta” is because people started playing him and realizing hes good.

Lol right it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he received substantial buffs.
Get a grip.


Sorry meant to say 450. Just because i messed up 1 number doesn’t mean i’m a troll.

Hanzo is broken overpowered, sorry OP.